[hider=Tainted Place]??? - Curse of Enervation The students seem exhausted... [list][*]Tainted Vice (Pessimistic) [*]-1 to Stamina checks [*]-2 to Speed [*]...[/list] ??? - Curse of Disconnection The students seem apathetic towards each other... [list][*]Tainted Vice (Treacherous) [*]-1 to Empathy checks [*]-1 to Socialize checks [*]...[/list] redworld - Curse of Avoidance The students seem prone to shirk difficulty... [list][*]Tainted Vice (Cowardly) [*]-1 to Resolve checks [*]...[/list][/hider] NPC List [hider=Dulac]???[/hider] [hider=Keone]Probably a supernatural Kat is [b]Leveraged[/b] by Keone If Kat enters social maneuvering with Keone, and the subject involves the note, Keone's doors are reduced by 2, and the Leveraged condition is resolved. (one time) [b]Lost[/b] [sup]Characters with the Lost Condition remove one die from their Composure dice pools. A Lost character cannot make any headway toward their goal without first navigating and finding their place.[/sup] [color=222222][b]Abdicated[/b][/color][/hider] [hider=Chester]Probably human Impression with Kat: Excellent Impression with Dulac: Hostile[/hider] [hider=Rebecca]Supernatural type unknown Impression with Kat: Good [b]Fugue[/b] [sup]Something terrible happened. Rather than deal with it or let it break you, your mind shuts it out. You are prone to blackouts and lost time.[/sup][/hider] Scene Catalog [hider=Scene 1 (Monday - Morning - Homeroom)]Improved Kat's Impression with Rebecca (Average -> Good) Worsened Chester's Impression with Dulac (Average -> Hostile) Kat is [i]Leveraged[/i] by Keone Kat fulfills his Vice, Hasty, in jumping to action through Chester. Kat's willpower is full, and he [b]gains a Beat (1/5)[/b]. [color=222222]Dulac inflicts a Cruelty upon Rebecca Dulac suffers no Haunting Keone suffers a Haunting and gains a Shadow Rebecca suffers a Haunting and gains a Shadow[/color][/hider] [hider=Scene 2 (Monday - Morning - Cafeteria)] Roll History; http://rpgroller.com/nwod/?show_roll=515298 http://rpgroller.com/nwod/?show_roll=515303 http://rpgroller.com/nwod/?show_roll=515297 http://rpgroller.com/nwod/?show_roll=515324 http://rpgroller.com/nwod/?show_roll=515325 Kat's [i]Eye for the Strange[/i] reveals that Rebecca is a supernatural entity, but isn't aware of it. Rebecca, Chester, and Kat are assailed in an unknown fashion. Rebecca and Chester resist. Kat takes a Dramatic Failure, and [b]gains a Beat (2/5)[/b]. Kat's flaw, [i]Cries a Lot[/i], results in movement of a scene. He [b]gains a Beat (3/5)[/b].[/hider] [hider=Scene 3 (Monday - Morning - Hallway)] Kat loses his phone. Gain [i]Missing Equipment[/i] as a Condition. Kat's words give Keone the [i]Lost[/i] Condition.[/hider]