[quote=@vancexentan] [color=f7976a]"I'm closin' this fucking portal if anything gets risky get me!? Move!"[/color] Kazuma growled as he impatiently tapped his foot.[/quote] [@AngelofOctober] [color=a187be]"Oh, shit. Well fuck. Alright Karma, let's go!"[/color] Dieselpunk cracked her knuckles and headed through the other portal, leading to the safecrackers. [color=a187be]"Alright Karma, looks like everyone's waitin' on the money."[/color] Dieselpunk said as she let the team of robbers lead her and karma over to the vault, finding the door open and the drillers putting away their equipment. [color=a187be]"I'm gonna need this,"[/color] Dieselpunk said as she grabbed the vault door and began fusing with it. The metal rippled as it warped off the hinges. As it traveled towards Dieselpunk, it displaced her body, causing her clothes to tear off, but before anything naughty could be seen, the large, round, metallic object had already replaced her entire torso and waist, making her look like a large, grotesque, stainless steel turtle with tiny human limbs sticking out. Dieselpunk waddled around heavily; the vault door didn't have enough moving parts for her to incorporate into her muscles and joints, which meant that her limbs were still unprotected and it would be slow going until she got some actual machinery in her. Still, her 15 minute timer had started, and she needed to be quick about it. Wandering around, she absorbed a few safes as well, giving her exposed head and limbs some coverage. Dieselpunk jokingly asked Karma, [color=a187be]"How do I look? This should protect me long enough until I can grab some more cars and trucks. You and the robbers, get the money, and get in the car. I'll be your shield and get in the way of anyone who tries to stop you."[/color] Diesel punk pounded a steel plated hand against her vault door-chest, causing a resounding metallic clang. [color=a187be]"Once you guys are safely away, I'll see if the front door might need some help, but for now, they're going to have to hold the line."[/color]