I believe what has to be noted is that there is really two (maybe three) types of ERPs. Firstly you will have the erotica, or literotica cause that's a cool word, where a story will be a mixture of a romance, love, and intercourse. The balance between those aspects may vary with some leaning more to one than the other, but these will be the roleplays that read much like a story with actual characters, depth, and a built up understanding as to who they may be. Next you will come across what is just simply porn writing. This will be the roleplays that will play out with little to no plot, and can be pretty much summed up in a single [url=http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/262/218/f6c.png]comic strip[/url]. It's not wrong, there's nothing against this type of writing, but for many writers this may be where they draw the lines on what they feel comfortable with. To compare it to food the first example would be like a three course meal ending on dessert while this one is a pizza and Sara Lee icecream cake that you order from Dominos. The last one shouldn't be counted but I've seen too many of them, and some people have taken it so far as to earn themselves a ban... but it's "that weird shit". Being a mod... seeing some of the things that get reported... I think the worse thing I have seen, and thank christ it was not on this forum, was a smut between a human and a Ridley Scott xenomorph Alien. I would love to see that stuff off the forum but PMs are private so it becomes difficult to monitor.