Mind if I join in? [hider=Chen Adachi][center][h1][color=steelblue]C[/color] [i]h e n [/i][/h1] [img]https://safebooru.org//images/2422/e724aa3c7c9049a355167ae469a43e8d1a5778b1.png?2523099[/img][/CENTER] [h3]Personal Dossier[/h3][hr][sub][color=yellow][b]Name[/b][/color][/sub] [indent]Adachi Chen[/indent] [sub][color=yellow][b]Age[/b][/color][/sub] [indent]15[/indent] [sub][color=yellow][b]Origin[/b][/color][/sub] [indent]Tokyo, Japan[/indent] [sub][color=yellow][b]Physical Description[/b][/color][/sub] [indent]Chen has always been on the skinnier side, not anorexic but not buff either. He doesn't have any muscles to speak of really, but he more than makes up for it with his striking features. With mysterious purple eyes and hair that is black in some areas and greyish in others, he catches the attention of anyone in the room. He stands at about 5'4, a little shorter than his peers but not by much. He tends to stand out in a crowd due to the sheer energy that seems to radiate off of him. Everything about him screams confidence, from the casual smirk he constantly wears to way he holds himself straight no matter what.[/indent] [sub][color=yellow][b]Characterization[/b][/color][/sub] [indent]Chen is the epitome of cocky bastard, believing himself to be the best of the best no matter what anyone else says. He's not a complete asshole however, he's actually pretty nice to most people. He just doesn't think they could ever compare to him when it comes to Quirks. He basks in the attention of others, so he regularly puts himself in the spotlight. Chen especially loves when people compliment him, feeding his ego is the best way to get on his good side. Chen isn't delusional though, he recognizes that he needs to obey figures of authority such as other heroes and teachers even if he doesn't think they are as good as him. He even respects a select few people as being even greater than he is. And once someone has become his friend, he would be willing to do almost anything to help them out of any tight situations they've found themselves in. However depending on the situation he may or may not make fun of them the whole time while doing so. A weird little quirk of his is that he's actually incredibly messy. His room looks like a tornado ran through it on a regular basis and his handwriting is on the verge of being unreadable at times. It's why he prefers to type essays rather than write them.[/indent] [sub][color=yellow][b]Personal History[/b][/color][/sub] [indent]Chen Adachi was born on a cold December night a few weeks before Christmas in the middle of a crowded Tokyo hospital. His mother could turn her fingers into knives and his father could heat up anything he touched. Thus Chen was born with a strange combination of the two quirks, he could make anything he touched incredibly sharp. This made growing up interesting to say the least, he quickly learned to be very careful while eating to say the least. He became very careful while doing everything actually. Growing up in such a large city meant he needed to have money to have fun, unfortunately his family never really had the money for him to go out and do those kinds of things. Instead he decided to become as outgoing and confident as possible in order to get free stuff, because that's how it works on TV right? It never really worked out for him, but he doesn't regret it. Being confident is a plus in his mind, plus he has reason to be confident. His want for cash never really faded though, and as he watched a boring commercial on TV he realized something. Mot of these commercials starred heroes. That means they got payed to be in the commercials. Chen rushed to his mom with a sparkle in his eyes to ask if he could apply for a hero school, she looked so proud of him. And here we stand today, as he is being accepted into one of the most prestigious schools in the country.[/indent] [sub][color=yellow][b]Character Development & Conceptualization[/b][/color][/sub] [indent]I think the most important thing I want to do with Chen is to teach him what heroes really do. He somewhat understands that heroes save people for a living and fight the bad guys, but in the end he's only doing it to make cash and be famous. He wants to be a hero solely for himself, which isn't going to work in the long run. I also want to break him of his arrogance, as he believes that he's better than everyone else his age. I also want to develop his powers so that anything he touches continues to be sharp even while he's not touching it and so that the sharpness only continues to increase. Right now he has to be in constant contact with whatever the object is in order to make it sharp and the hardest thing he can cut through at the moment is a small rock. The primary goal for Chen as a person day to day would probably be for him to just stop acting so much better than the others. It drives a lot of people away and he's never had too many friends because of it. Hopefully he can make some friends who can teach him the value of humility.[/indent] [h3]Abilities & Talents[/h3][hr][sub][color=yellow][b]Quirk Type[/b][/color][/sub] [indent]Emitter[/indent] [sub][color=yellow][b]Quirk Description[/b][/color][/sub] [indent] With his Whetstone, Chen can make anything he touches incredibly sharp, sharp enough to cut through solid rock in a single swing. A thin psionic field is formed around the object in question, making the object sharper. The level of sharpness decreases depending on the size of the object, where as a blunt baseball bat could become as sharp as a mass produced sword, something the size of a desk would barely become any sharper. On the other hand, something small like gloves on his hands would reach the maximum sharpness he could produce. However there are hidden depths to his powers that he is completely unaware of.[/indent] [sub][color=yellow][b]Other Talents & Attributes[/b][/color][/sub] [indent]Is very good at sleight of hand tricks and juggling. There are many things that can be juggled, so it made for decent entertainment when he didn't have the money to go out. One of his old past times was going to the arcade to play fighting games, so he's not too shabby at those either.[/indent][/hider]