Charles appeared from the sidelines, staring at you. "Huh. You were pretty efficient. I was a bit paranoid that you'd muck things up, but you actually did pretty good. despite being clearly new to this profession. I say you have about.. A year's worth of experience, from my deductive capabilities. And if your looking for the crime scene, it's over there." He'd point towards the end of the hallway. 'And basically, some guy got murdered, bounded, and died at the stock market. we suspect he was drugged. So Far, we only determined someone with a class 1, which most regular individuals have. Or a class 2, which executives have. could enter, so that narrows down this being a common mugging. Alongside that, we suspect that an Ex-Girlfriend mgiht have a motive. you aleady know that, however. We need to get to Greene however, extremely quickly. We do not want to make enemies with the top, I know from experience that in the end.. that will only get you and everyone that you love killed, so.. be careful."