[center][h1][color=gold][i][u]Oath[/u] [u]o[/u]f [u]Salvation[/u][/i][/color][/h1][/center] [hr][hr] [indent][indent]The entirety of the bridge crew looked at each other with confusion. USS Creed? Federation of Planets? Star charts were brought up as crewmen argued with each other over where they were exactly. As the Confessor walked in with a censor and a blessed mop, theories were thrown about if they landed in an independent system, one that highly autonomous or someone was using a bullshit name and callsign. Plenty of people did in the void for reasons just like that of the half-true Vox message the ship had sent out. However, most didn't claim to be form some independent federation of planets; only absolute fools would use something beyond being part of some local battlegroup, comfortable in the knowledge that most ships wouldn't bother looking them up too closely. After a fierce debate, the Captain decided that they might as well accept the offer of help from the Creed or whatever it was called. Some of the crew wondered if it was somehow related to that legendary Cadian general. With the Astropath still out of it (both in terms of conscious and mental stability), they send a return message to the Creed: [table=bordered][row][cell][center]+++VOX MESSAGE+++ +++OATH OF SALVATION+++ CAPTAIN FRYE, WE HAVE EXPERIENCED SEVERE DAMAGE TO OUR WARP ENGINES AND MAIN THRUSTERS. DAEMONIC PRESENCE AND THE TAINT OF CHAOS HAS ALSO BEEN REPORTED ABOARD OUR VESSEL, PLEASE ADVISE. PLEASE FORWARD THE VOX CODES OF YOUR TECH-PRIESTS AND MEDICADE TRANSPORTS THE EMPEROR PROTECTS.[/center][/cell][/row][/table]By the time the message was sent, things where already looking slightly better on the ship. The corrupted machine spirits had mostly been purged or pacified by the priests and enginseers. Any hostile servitors where being hunted down as they attempted to build various small shrines to Chaos by armsmen. The Augur Array was now somewhat functional thanks to the sacrifices of a few brave servo-skulls who repeatedly bashed their boney bits into the antennas until they came online and others did the more delicate work. The presence of several ships suddenly flickered on to radar on and off. Calling over a nearby techpriest, Talvyrne told the metal man to do whatever arcane techno-magic he needed (which appeared to be chanting in binary while attempting to drown the console in holy oil) as the Captain went off to bark at Xantol the Uncowardly Cowpoking Raider on the diplomatic effects of trying to ram someone else's ship. The fact that Master Gunner Krag wanted to "bash da boogaz widph da bigga gunz" wasn't helping. Talyvnre had gotten to the chapter on "Blunt Force Belligerence vs Blunt Honesty" when the augurs picked up something approaching the ship. It was quickly ruled out not to be some sort of man escort and appeared to come from a different direction than the USS Creed. In and instant Talvyrne barked something at the Ogryn and a massive fist slammed on a button on the control pannel. After it was established that button caused the tech priest attending to the Captain's podium to errupt into flames after sparks caught on his robes, a second button was pressed which activated the point defense turrets The Oath of Salvation soon turned its best broadside towards the oncoming targets. When the thing suddenly split off what appeared to be fighters, that was when the ship open fired. The void lit up with point defense turrets and lasers in an attempt to prevent the fighters from reaching them. Armsmen where scrambled and everyone prepared for boarding or a full on engagement as the PT did their work. Xantol the Ever-Wise theorized that it was some kind of Daemonic forces that had joined forces with Orks to attack them; Daemorks as he called them before the Confessor hit him over the head with his purification censor on his way out, much to the applause of everyone else in the room. [/indent][/indent]