[center][color=0076a3][h2]Zachary Ackerson[/h2][/color] and Thomas, I guess but too lazy to edit in pic [img]https://i.imgur.com/omGHHwx.png[/img] [/center][hr] [color=ADD278][i]4:30 does seem to be the magic time, doesn’t it.[/i][/color] Thomas thought to himself, mulling over what Faith had just said. Although, there was a particular question gnawing at the back of his mind. If 4:30 was the threshold for where they knew Mercy was, and she was infected by her hand, that would mean that someone would have to have used something sharp to pierce her hand in between that time. If Daimyon and Bliss were working in the kitchen, where the knives were, that might make them a prime suspect but… The theory was so absurd, it might just work. [color=ADD278]”Hey. Infinite Archer, where were you before the party?”[/color] Zachary almost seemed startled by the sudden question. Aside from offering a few words, he’d been rather quiet during all the random ‘conclusions’ people were reaching. He never considered himself a brilliant man, so trying to piece together the puzzle of this case while the courtroom could be likened to some sort of jester’s festival was basically impossible. Adding something randomly could only make the situation worse. But if somebody asked him directly, the ideal thing to do would be to answer as clearly and truthfully as he could. [color=0076a3]“If you are referring to just before the party at around 4:30, I was in the dojo with Jezebel.”[/color] he answered calmly. [color=0076a3]“I wanted to gauge just how badly this injury of mine would affect my performance with a bow, and if it was going to cause issues later on...”[/color] his tone softened at the end, hinting that the results weren’t to his liking. Thomas narrowed his eyes. For some reason, when he did this, he looked less critical and instead looked silly. Whatever the intended effect of narrowing his eyes was, he had clearly missed his mark. [color=ADD278]”That will be all.”[/color] As it turned out, Thomas had been following a dead end. [color=0076a3]“I wish I could be of more help,”[/color] Zachary sighed, frustrated. All of this questioning and he could give no answers or meaningful input. It stunk.[color=0076a3]“I regret not taking the chance to speak to her earlier today when I had the chance.”[/color] Sure that his musing went unheard, Zach silently faced a heated Faith. The courtroom was still as lively as it was five minutes ago. He attempted to keep up with what the others were getting at, but really, there was nothing he could do. Did it even matter if he was here? His life was on the line, but what positive contribution had he made towards the discussion? None. And that ate at him because he understood that more than just his life was at stake. [s]Holy shit what a productive post Boss do you still love us? <3[/s]