Despite the fact that it hadn't taken long for Elle to fall asleep, she awoke later due to sounds coming from outside her door in the main part of the inn. She was inclined to ignore it, turning over and trying to go back to sleep, but thoughts of her impending meeting with the Greybeards and the anticipation kept her awake. Irritated with herself, she sat up with a groan and rubbed her eyes groggily. There finally seemed to be a lull in the dragon activity in her dreams and now sleep evaded her. Laying here mulling over it wasn't going to help, so she decided to get up and get herself a drink of water from behind the bar. Her bare feet made no sound as she quietly made her away out into the empty main hall, slipping behind the counter and finding a wooden cup with the aid of the faint blue light filtering in through the windows and orange glow from the dying fire. She was about to go searching for water when she noticed that the door to Nil's room was ajar, and upon closer inspection, found that he was no longer inside it. A quick inspection of the interior revealed that his weapon was gone too. Perplexed and rather alarmed now, seeing as there was no sign of him, she opened the front door of the inn to see a tall, horned figure moving toward what appeared to be the entrance to a barrow. What on earth was he doing? she wondered, but not wanting to yell after him at this hour, she rushed back inside to pull on her boots and grab the scabbard containing her sword. Not bothering to pull on the leather armor over her linen pants and loose shirt, she left her room in a hurry, long red hair an unruly mess since she hadn't tucked it back in its usual braid. So much for sleep, she thought to herself as she jogged back outside to catch up with Nil. She didn't seem to be getting much of it anyway. The air was colder than she had anticipated, but that wasn't enough to deter her. [color=00B2EE]"Hey,"[/color] she called softly once she deemed herself in range, [color=00B2EE]"Where are you going? Is something wrong?"[/color] she asked, a worried frown on her face and concern in her tone as she caught up to him. It hadn't occurred to her that maybe he was just out for a little night time walk and that everything was actually fine. She had come to expect the worst over the past few days, and wandering around a foreign place in the middle of the night didn't seem safe. Although, Nilovas probably didn't have to worry about that sort of thing as much as she did. Plus it seemed (at least according to her total of [i]two[/i] past experiences) that dragons favored the day time, so at least fire breathing lizards weren't an issue. But as of now, the only thing in her tired mind was that she had to make sure everything was okay.