I can (and sometimes enjoy) writing good steamy scenes, but when the pants come off I mostly just can't find words I think sound sexy or classically romantic which is one of the reasons I don't go into full smut. [quote=@Hero] Good smut is so hard to come by, though, half the time you got people who [i]think[/i] they're being sexy but don't have the guts to say the proper term for genitalia and insist on 'manhood' and 'womanhood' and the other half is odd kinks that feel forced. [/quote] I see what you mean, but it's also kind of equally odd on the otherside of the coin. I'd type "he sucked on her titty as they fucked, and then he rubbed the cooch" and I'll laugh that I actually tried to type that seriously, but I'll feel equally unerotic when I switch it to "sucking on a mammary as they engaged coitus, and then he kneaded the vagina™."