[i]Kuriotes[/i] Things were proceeding fairly well aboard the ship, the damage to the Phase Drive would soon be repaired and they could be back underway. Retris was doing her best to identify a phase lane they could use to get out of here if they needed to, perhaps recreate whatever had brought them here in the first place, but it was slow going. At least they didn't have to worry about any TEC ships arriving to blast them out of the sky. Not that that meant there weren't other problems. "Incoming message," Valeran said aloud, isolating it for the moment so they could determine the contents. And what it was was not pleasant. It spoke of some unknown force headed their way that was intent on doing them harm. Which was worrying, given the eclectic nature of arrival here. Taking in the message, Denesther shook her head. "Did you see where it came from? I wouldn't trust that message further than I could throw that shuttle with my bare hands." And she had a point. Coming from such a source of hostility and anger, it made Valeran much less willing to trust the words of the messenger even if they were correct. "Nonetheless, it would be a good idea to be prepared. Keep our weapons ready just in case." Sighing, Denesther nodded in confirmation as she reached out and grasped the two joysticks in front of her. they linked into her augments, and she relayed the message to the rest of the ship. They would be ready if there was shooting. "We have weapons fire." The message propagated through the Unity, picked up by various Scryers and delivered directly to Retris and the captain. Valeran could practically see it, the large vessel unleashing a broadside with massive projectiles that would make any TEC scientist salivating with envy (given their preference for large kinetics as epitomized in the Novalith Cannon). Fortunately none of them were aimed at the Kuriotes, but if the fighting spread then there was no telling what the carnage would be. Quickly Valeran informed the crew of what was going on, and offered her assessment of what she would be doing. With no real disagreement, the plan was soon put into motion. "Get us away from the fighting." Retris nodded, working the holographic orb in front of her as she relayed directions to the sublight engines and put them into motion. they'd soon be well clear of the current fighting, though unfortunately they couldn't just phase jump out of here. This was well beyond anything the Unity had experienced before. At the same time the radio was forsaken for a more direct approach. Valeran could feel the hiss as more drugs were pumped into her system, expanding her mind as she channeled through the ships Psitech for a broadcast. Not the most subtle way to go about this but they did not need a scalpel right now. They needed something more direct. And so the psychic broadcast would go out, tapping into the minds of those who could hear it. [i][b]'This is Captain Valeran of the Kuriotes. I speak on behalf of the Unity. We do not intend harm, but know that those who fire upon our vessel will feel the Unity's wrath. We have become very adept at defending ourselves from unprovoked aggression.'[/b][/i] Now all that remained was to see if they got the message.