[center][h1]Celestine Lightbringer[/h1][/center] [@Dezuel] [hr] "You're welcome." Was the only reply that Celestine made, before breaking eye contact. Galbrek's minions were strong because they had doubtless faith, or it seemed so... but hesitation could bog someone down more than physical chains. It was also a matter that Cel was an utilitarian. Resources should never be discarded willy nilly, and for a magical automaton with capabilities for self improvement, what was an arm lost for the sake of experience? [i]The seed is planted. Nevertheless. You should treat your underlings like your own children, Galbrek. But i doubt his parents know the least about raising someone.[/i] Cel hummed as he drove the car to a unknown alley, and popping the hood and the trunk, proceed to destroy the car by burning it with its own fuel, to eliminate all traces of his misdeeds. It wasn't as bad as what followed next. With little to no clothes, he had sifted through the garbage and produced foul smelling but serviceable cloths for the both of them. "We need to do something with your arm. It's too noticeable." He added as he slinked back to Vittorio's resting place in the middle of the night, deflecting the questions about himself and the smell that the Mephisto guards made to him. [i]I'm gonna be so overworked like a horse.[/i] He mumbled to himself, as he pulled a cheap cellphone, and punched a certain message to a certain number, before tucking it away. One more task in the grocery list. He really needed a shower and to take a resting place so he could manage for Vittorio to wake up. But not before offering some clothing and a resting place for Celine. "We'll sort your arm in the morning." [hr] [i]Somewhere...[/i] [@RoflsMazoy] Warden McKlusky breathed heavily, pondering the words exchanged not long ago in his head. They burned like hellfire. His eyes, his gaze. The sweet voice that pronounced those words, and the heavyset ruination they brought. So what if he had dipped in the pot for a while. He did not deserve this. Not when that quack street doctor had cured him from a STD that he would have had a lot of trouble explaining to his wife. He didn't have much money at hand, so a favour for a favour had been exchanged. And now that street doctor had called the favour, with that zany attitude of his. Cigarettes and a phone. Something fairly easy. A delivery, he could do. But a delivery to one of the most high profile prisoners, Mephisto, was...something different. But he pushed on, using his wits and abilities to keep the parcel away from the cameras, and deposit it at Mephisto's feet, discreetly, in the middle of the night. "F sends his regards." The warden parroted, before brusquely turning away and never thinking of it again. He really should take a break from all of this stuff. [hr] [center][h1][color=f6989d]Meredith[/color][/h1] [@Letter Bee] [@Crowvette] [@Scarifar] [@KillamriX88] [@Bartimaeus] [@Gentlemanvaultboy][/center] Meredith looked once more at Wolf, and then at Vera. Her usually cheery features twisted in some sort of pain for a reason, before addressing Wolf once again. [color=f6989d]"Alright, Wolfie."[/color] She said very little, a hint of sadness in her voice. Her shoulders slumped significantly, as drain caught with her. Hardly the only one. The chatty Ascott family had a bad case of passing away mid-sentence, and a certain Venom or whatever he was called rushed to his aid. Well, they were probably fine, despite that weird woman. Chatting about plans and stuff. Meredith could not care, as she was staring Anna who was still feeling quite the rush for having had tasted human blood, and now was leisurely flapping above the rest. And then both Venom and Vera exchanged poisonous barbs... and decided to crash her home, which made her think. She bit her lip trying to juggle the fact that her house was in a bit of a strange situation now. But it had been an honest request for help. Even if the one who was going to be sheltered was a Demon Lady without any once of demon power. [color=f6989d]"But mother is doing her chocolate ritual right now. And Cyan is sleeping in my bed. I found him walking the doggy. Also demons are territorial..."[/color] She pondered. [color=f6989d]"But the Demon Lady of Despair should be fine, I mean, I can't really feel an ounce of demonic energy from her so... floof floof."[/color] Meredith interrupted herself as she eyed Masami up and down, a troublesome spark forming in her eyes as she lunged forward and hugged Masami rather quickly.[color=f6989d]"Eeeh! So cute! Is she coming too? She is totally floof floof!"[/color] She said, before Anna, the ten year old half-demon, made her best impression of a flying kick and hit her forehead. "YOU OAF! Don't get distracted by mongrels!" She added, her eyes set first on Vera, and then on Wolf. "Why yes, you all will be welcome. Wolf sleeps on my bed, though. Hehe. We don't have enough." The little demon-winged spam smiled mischievously. "Vera can sleep in the doghouse." Meredith flared up red, before forgetting about Masami and releasing her. [color=f6989d]"Focus. First friends. Then cute Floof floof."[/color] She said to herself before reaching her hand and yanking Anna's demon tail hard, in an odd display of forcefulness. [color=f6989d]"Anna, be polite. Your bed won't fit Wolf. Mine will...but bweee... Anyway, we can sort who sleeps where later. Dad won't mind having you there, Wolfie. He always had a liking to you."[/color]. She added, as she walked towards the both. [color=f6989d]"We can't reach there by flying...so uuhh, who has spare change for the cab? This suit doesn't have much wallet space..."[/color].