[center]Border of A4/B4[/center] A noise pieced the air. A noise the Beowolves knew all too well. Despite being mindless beasts, if they knew fear. More noises, but more human. Screams. By the time the creature revealed itself, it was covered in gore, and the Beowolves beat a hasty retreat into the mountains. They would rather face Hunters than to face this monstrosity. Walking onto the scene drenched in hunter blood was the Unicorn, who just finished having a little drink after his initial meeting with a small group of hunters. Some sort of rope was attached to it's horn, was was someone's hand. The Unicorn's flesh was unscathed however, with only the bloody prints of those who tried to stop it. The Unicorn looked at Issac, knowing fully well of who he was. And it made the Unicorn angry. Though it did not know about the exam going on, it did not take kindly to all these humans and faunas wondering around in his territory. Without warning, without mercy, the Unicorn unleashed a large whirlwind at Issac with a swing of it's horns, picking up even boulders ten time his size and weight, while sending smaller pebbles flying through the air and tearing apart anything unlucky enough to get caught. The Beowolves who did not flee were shredded into the bones, while the entire mountain side began to shift thanks to the Unicorn's attack. Soon the whirlwind grew in size. Anyone above ground would see it, if only for a short while. It lasted at least five minutes. [center]G7[/center] In the underwater caverns of the lake, the cache belonging to Orion and Arara washed up deep onto a shore underground. It was a deep dive, into a dark abyss voided of light. Except from the Sirens. These creatures stood still, sensing the visitor in their midst. They knew what he was after. They knew how to capture him, to take him for their own. They hide among the corals and other illuminated algae. Soon a force of up to ten were watching Orion. Waiting for him to fall into their trap. All they needed him to do was reach the cache. If he took the cache, they would have him. [center]C4[/center] Not the best place to rest. Thanks to the actions of the Unicorn, a large pack of Beowolves descended from the mountains to escape the chaos. A large pack of thirty stumbled upon the two girls. The biggest Alpha Beowolf howled, which signaled three of the grimm wolves to run towards the two hunters, lunging towards them with their claws extended and baring their fangs, hoping to take a bite out of the petite humans and have a good meal. After those three went, more and more dived in, each one thinking that if they acted fast enough they could get a piece of flesh. Even the Alpha Beowolf attacked, having a easier time since he was three times the size of the other ones.