[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/360327250866077698/370419802071629824/Diana_Seraph.png[/img][/center] Diana wrestled with the controls as Yoki sprinted out of the room. [color=firebrick]"That is my job!"[/color] She called back, fighting with the steering wheel. She hissed as she managed to slow their descent for a while, then one of the engines was torn off the aircraft completely. [color=firebrick][i]Shit...[/i][/color] Diana growled as she tried to keep the ship airborne, but there was just no possible way. She patched into the speakers, her voice crackling over the entire ship. [color=firebrick]"We've just lost a main engine, this ship isn't going to be airborne much longer, I can get us to land, but don't expect a soft landing."[/color] Diana gritted her teeth as she angled the ship towards land, they were diverted from their main coarse, but their lives were worth whatever extra walking distance they would have to go through. [color=firebrick]"Brace for impact!"[/color]