[h3][color=f7941d]Danica[/color] & Aramir[/h3] Danica adjusted her hat with a smile. the Elf's enthusiasm was, in a way, infectious. Others in the college had not been so... receptive when Danica chose to speak of her home. Others she'd met had been either terrified, annoyed, or otherwise wary of her, but Aramir was always kind. [color=f7941d][b]"I suppose it's best to start with whatever's nearest, in that case."[/b][/color] She said, thinking on that one for a moment. [color=f7941d][b]"The shops are probably a good place to start."[/b][/color] She said, though she was unsure if the exact places she still remembered were even still there. She hadn't been home in a long time, and her memories of times 'before' the new her were always... fuzzy. She looked down to her arms, tightly wrapped in her leathers. She knew that people simply accepting her was a foolish hope. It would... hurt to be refused service, that was for sure. She did hope that, despite her unsavory appearance her well-kept ceremonial scarf would mark her as a Hospitaler, with its white silk and silver-threaded embroidery. It was rather easy for an Eanian to tell the real thing from a knock-off, and they didn't just pass them out. [color=f7941d][b]"Aramir, if anyone asks... I'm not from here, okay?"[/b][/color] She said, looking off to the clock tower. [color=f7941d][b]"I was... not the same when I lived here."[/b][/color] ----- Aramir's grinned widened and she hopped up and down. [b]"Perfect! We may not have any money but we can keep things we like in mind and then take it to the college and we can have it made there! It won't be exact but it will look great on us!"[/b] She exclaimed cheerfully, beginning to head in the direction Dani had indicated the shops were. She stopped and looked up at Danica when the woman spoke again. [b]"Alright. If anyone asks we're masterful mages from the Twilight College, here to judge their standards to our clothes mages that we keep in secret in the darkened halls of Twilight Tower!"[/b] She declared, taking Dani's hand. [b]"Don't worry, I won't let them do anything to you."[/b] She smiled up earnestly at Danica. [b]"Trust me."[/b] She lead the way towards the shops, eagerly looking through the parts of the crowd that she could see, looking for something that would indicate a dress shop. Once she spotted it, she exclaimed in triumph and pulled Dani through the crowd towards the door, eagerly walking in and looking around. It was a small shop, with only a handful of dresses available for selection. Many were designed for balls and formal events, with large, flowing skirts and bright colors radiating off of them. "Hello and welcome to Mary's Myriad! The best dress shop in town!" The shop owner, presumably Mary, walked out from the back, hidden behind a pile of dresses she was holding. "I must confess, I'm a bit surprised to hear anyone coming in! Usually during the festival everyone is out celebrating or getting free things, and only give me things to repair, as you can clearly see." She put the pile of dresses down on the table with a huff, revealing a freckled face with bright green eyes and shoulder length red hair. "Now, what can I do fo-" At the sight of Danica' scarf, she gasped and then curtsied suddenly. "Hospitaler! I'm so sorry, I had no idea you were in the shop. Thank you for blessing my humble shop. Can I get you anything?" Aramir looked from Danica to Mary in confusion. She had always thought Dani's scarf was just something with a huge sentimental meaning, rather than anything denoting faction or rank. [b]"Er...what's a Hospitaler?"[/b] ----- Danica had to take Aramir's hand as she lead them through the crowd, their difference in height made it rather easy for the tall woman to lose track of her. Then again, she was taller than the average citizen so navigation was much easier for her. She chuckled softly at the elf's little plans... she had plenty of money herself, easily enough to buy at least one dress. [color=f7941d][b]"Ah, but what if they ask us to demonstrate? Honesty is a virtue, little one."[/b][/color] She said, though it wasn't really much of a scolding. She looked down to her again, smiling. Yes, she'd be fine. Despite her height advantage, Aramir found the store first and nearly toppled her in her haste. Once inside, she'd found the selection a bit wanting, even for the store's modest size. It only made sense: All of the good business would naturally take place before the event itself: One tended to prepare for such an occasion. That said, the dresses were of rather high quality... probably how such a small business could stay open. The apparent owner sure said as much, once she arrived. The woman had indeed noticed her scarf, so it was good for something. [color=f7941d][b]"At ease, I am just a customer today."[/b][/color] She said with a grand bow, looking down to Aramir. [color=f7941d][b]"A healer, more or less. We are typically deployed as disaster relief so some of us are powerful fighters as well."[/b][/color] Danica said, quickly and quietly. There were a few more nuances, but that was the quick version. [color=f7941d][b]"There's more to it than that of course, but nothing that can reasonably be explained quickly."[/b][/color] After her little explanation, she looked over to Mary. [color=f7941d][b]"I am certain you do not currently have anything in her size in stock, but I would very much appreciate it if you could tailor a dress for my companion. You will be compensated fairly."[/b][/color] ----- Mary rose from her curtsy, awaiting Danica's explanation to finish, before looking over Aramir with a practiced eye. "You're right, I don't have any in stock for her. We almost never get Snow Elves this far south, and those that do tend to go to the specialty shops on the other side of the city. However, I can have her measured and a dress tailored for her within the hour, if you could just give me the time?" She looked expectantly at the Snow Elf, who was busily looking up at Danica. After nodding in understanding of Dani's explanation (grateful to finally know the meaning behind the scarf and that it could be useful in Eanian negotiations) Aramir frowned in confusion at the next words. Weren't they just here to look? And didn't Dani only have enough money for one dress? Understanding dawned on her face as she realized what the human woman was doing. She shook her head and hands vehemently in response. [b]"No, no no. What about yourself? It'll be both easier and more practical for you to get the single dress we can buy, since mine would have to be specially made. Even if yours had to be made as well, it would be cheaper to just increase fabric length than to create a whole new dress. You should be tailored. I'll just look."[/b] Aramir wasn't very sure if anything she said was right, there were no dresses in the Frozen Plains and she certainly had no experience with fabric tailoring on her own, but it sounded right and she wasn't going to just let Danica buy her a dress and not get a dress for herself. Mary turned her expectant gaze upon Dani, awaiting the Hospitaler's response. ----- Danica was somewhat surprised. She had expected the dress to be done long, long after the event. Though she was no tailor, she didn't know how long such work took. She knew that as much. She'd never even seen a snow elf for much of her life, certainly none in the capital. [color=f7941d][b]"Ah, excellent. That is most gracious of you."[/b][/color] Aramir seemed... well, reluctant. Danica of course, couldn't wear such a thing. Currently, she preferred her leathers... there were other reasons, however. She was certain that it was no easier to make a dress for her. Much of her height was due to her unnaturally long limbs, she was a bit out of proportion. Nevermind how a dress would look with her face mask. [color=f7941d][b]"Aramir..."[/b][/color] She said softly, turning around so Mary couldn't see what she was about to do. She removed one of her gloves and her hand began to rather slowly change. Dark nails pushing out into claws, her hand itself growing larger, silvery fur starting to grow... and then it all began to revert before she slipped her glove back on. There was a great risk she would... change, and the fancy, expensive dress would be simply torn apart. [color=f7941d][b]"You know I can't."[/b][/color] She said softly, turning back to Mary. [color=f7941d][b]"Give her a moment to decide just what sort of dress she wants."[/b][/color] ----- Mary shrugged. "I'll be over here sewing when you two decide." She whistled quietly to herself, picking up a thread and needle and a dress from the pile. She worked quietly while Aramir turned back to Danica, arms stubbornly crossed, unfazed by the change. She had seen way to many crazy things during her time in the college to be horrified or shocked by someone who could turn into a wolf and rip things apart with their bare hands, laughing maniacally. [b]"If you aren't getting something, I'm not getting something. I'm sure she makes things other than dresses, or can make them to suit your needs."[/b] Aramir looked over her shoulder, calling out to Mary. [b]"You make things other than just dresses right?"[/b] Mary called back, a needle between her teeth. "Yeah! I'm the best tailor in this city!" Aramir gave Danica a smug look, calling out again. [b]"So you'd be able to make something for Dani here? Dresses aren't her style, but she could use some more leathers and such that would be able to resist damage."[/b] A few seconds passed of silence. Aramir looked at Dani in confusion and then opened her mouth to call out again, only to be cut off by Mary's nervous voice. "Of course! But you should really go to Michelle's down the way. He is much more experienced in combat clothing than I am. Dresses and pretty things are my realm, but leathers and knives!" She gave an awkward laugh, returning busily to her sewing. Aramir gave Danica a look of bewilderment, but shrugged. It wasn't any of her business why Mary would be so strange. [b]"So we'll go to this Michelle's first. Then come back here if you want. Thus, we both get something and you don't spend your money on just me. Its perfect, really."[/b] ----- Danica clicked her tongue... She had a much larger amount of money than one typically expected. She often accumulated quite a large sum of money through her work, often because those that hired her refused to let her go without compensation. She very rarely spent money at all: She tended to catch her own food, and only occasionally did she need to buy new clothes. Indeed, most of the time she simply ripped bits and pieces of clothing off various bandits. On an unrelated note, said bandits tended to make good food themselves... Danica tilted her head, crossing her arms. [color=f7941d][b]"I have no need. I have nearly worthless currency, and a chance to finally unburden myself of its weight in a manner I find meaningful."[/b][/color] Her expression softened. [color=f7941d][b]"Knives and boots are a necessary expense, but ugly and unexciting. I would rather have a work of art, and as I cannot myself do such an ensemble justice, well, this falls to you. I can find something to fight in any time I want... how often do you find yourself in a position to have a fine dress?"[/b][/color] She said, chuckling. The festival was a time for revelry, not war after all. ----- Aramir scowled up at her much taller companion for a few moments, before reluctantly admitting that Danica was right. [b]"Never had a chance for a dress, actually."[/b] She said quietly, before looking around. They were very pretty dresses. And she probably wouldn't get another chance to get one, much less some fine as these... She shook her head. No. It wouldn't be fair to Dani. [b]"Alright fine, then why don't we go get something nice, a piece of art, that you do like? A statue of Billant, perhaps. Or a painting of a famous Hospitaler. A very ceremonial and intricate dagger! Something like that. Its not right for you to spend all of your money on me, and then get nothing for yourself. Especially at a festival like this. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. You can't just let it past by because you're buying me a dress I'll have incredibly rare occasions to wear." [/b] Aramir took Danica's hand. [b]"Its not a festival unless all of us are getting some enjoyment and happiness out of it."[/b] Mary made a small snorting noise, as if she had a different definition of festival, but chose not to add her opinion and kept sewing away at the dress she was working on. ----- Danica took a moment to process the elf's words... She was mistaken, of course, though her sentiments were at once flattering and appreciated. Dani adjusted her hat by the brim, clicking her tongue as she thought about it. [color=f7941d][b]"I do not purchase any more than I can carry at once. I buy only things that are practical, and only when I absolutely must. For the most part, I am self-sufficient. Besides, my order is known for humility and charity above all else... To that end, there are no individuals that are particularly revered, lest one cast a shadow over those of later generations."[/b][/color] She said softly. She dropped to a knee, carefully placing a hand on her shoulder. [color=f7941d][b]"I know that you do not wish to feel like a burden on myself, but please understand that I do not need or want such luxuries. I would much rather use what is available to bring happiness to another. Besides... this festival is not so special to me."[/b][/color] She said with a small chuckle and a boop to Aramir's nose. [color=f7941d][b]"I lived here once, remember? I've seen everything here at least twenty times."[/b][/color] ----- Aramir scowled for a moment, staring up at the equally stubborn eyes of Danica. Eventually she acquiesced, reluctantly looking over at Mary. [b]"I guess we'll get me sized for a dress and everything. Since someone,"[/b] She glared pointedly at Dani, [b]"doesn't seem to realize that living on a College means she can keep things she likes in her room. Crazy idea, I know, but she should try it out sometime." [/b] Mary shrugged, bustling over to Aramir. [b]"If your friend buys things she likes that aren't dresses isn't really my concern, my concern is getting you measured and fitted and then making you the best damn dress in Tiien so you can look gorgeous. Come along dearie, and we'll get you all sorted."[/b] Aramir looked nonplussed, glancing uncertainly at Dani as Mary hustled her towards the backroom. Idle chatter floated from the backroom as Mary queried the Snow Elf on her tastes and wants. "Flared, Sheath, or slip?" [b]"Er..."[/b] "Do you want it to be poofy like the ones out front, or do you want it to be more form fitting an elegant?" [b]"Oh! Uh, simple and elegant. I need something that I can move around freely in if things get ugly. College life is never dull." [/b] "Hmm. I can do that. Preferred color?" [b]"Snow white, please." [/b] "Alright, I can do that. All done measuring, lets go see your friend and then I'll tell you both when to stop back by. Aramir practically skipped back towards Dani, a smile on her face. She quickly hugged the taller woman's leg. [b]"Thank you for this. Truly. It means a lot."[/b] Mary was busily sketching a design on a small piece of paper. "Come back in about an hour. I'll have everything done by then. You can pay me when the product itself is done." Aramir and Danica said their goodbyes, the former grinning like a child who found the last candy, heading out into the street and looking for something else to kill time for an hour. As Aramir skipped forward, leading the way once more, a fine horse being ridden by a man in rich clothing suddenly spooked, neighing and racing towards the Snow Elf as she turned to move out of the way and slipped on some spilled drink of a reveler, eyes wide with fear as she attempted to scramble out of the way. ----- Danica couldn't help but chuckle at Aramir's reluctance, taking a moment to count out the likely price of the garment and set some of her money in a separate pouch, placed high on her person under her coat. She was tall enough that height alone would be enough to deter pickpockets. She couldn't pay the woman now, of course. She wouldn't know how much the garment would cost until it was finished. She busied herself by patting her clothes down, checking to see if she was missing anything. It seemed she had lost one of her silvered daggers to a pickpocket, damn. She supposed she should consider herself lucky to still have her gold, then. Once Aramir returned she found herself on the receiving end of a hug. Hm. [color=f7941d][b]"It is no trouble."[/b][/color] She said quietly, patting her on the head. [color=f7941d][b]"Very well."[/b][/color] She told Mary, following after Aramir. She frowned a bit. If the elf didn't slow down, she'd... That thought was interrupted when she heard a horse start freaking out, turning to find the source was, in fact, a horse, spooked and barreling towards Aramir, who must be some cosmic plaything of the fates to have fallen right there in that spot. She didn't really have time to think, rushing forward and shoulder-checking the elf out of the way. This left her right in the path of the horse, unfortunately, which stepped right on her left shoulder, prompting a pained grunt and a sickening crunching noise from the huntress. Once the horse had passed, whether the rider managed to reassert control or not, she laid there for a short time, blood obviously pooling a bit. She looked dead for all the world, before she began to rise. Aramir might notice that her breathing sounded much deeper, somewhat bestial for a short moment, before apparently regaining control. [color=f7941d][b]"Do try to keep better control of your animal."[/b][/color] She said loudly, her arm hanging limp as a sickening grinding noise could be heard. She dusted her shoulder off as it apparently began to repair itself, her fingers flexing as she worked her shoulder. [color=f7941d][b]"Others are less durable than I."[/b][/color] She looked down to her scarf, pleased that it was not bloodied. She took a rag of hers, wiping off the relatively small amount of blood that had seeped through. She seemed more annoyed than anything. ----- Aramir cried out as she was launched out of the way and through the crowd by Danica's shoulder check. As she rolled against the ground, quickly getting to her feet, she groaned in discomfort. Bruises were sure to form all over her body now. [i]I know you meant well, but couldn't you have just pulled me out of the way?[/i] Any thoughts and pain she had were banished at the sight of Danica. The tall woman's shoulder was destroyed, and while Aramir knew that Dani was healing as she watched, she still felt terrible. She rushed over to her friend, both because of her concern, and the worry that the injury might trigger Danica's more...violent side. When she reached the other woman, a stream of questions and apologies rushed out of her mouth. [b]"Dani, are you okay? I'm so sorry, I should have been paying better attention, is your scarf okay? Did anything get ripped?"[/b] The stream of words were cut off as the rider finally got his horse back under control. He was a middle-aged Eanian man with brown hair, a neatly trimmed goatee, and green eyes. His noble face was currently horrified as he jumped down. "No, it is I who should be apologizing. Losing control of my horse like a boy of 12 on his first ride, and hitting a Hospitaler no less, shameful!" He knelt in the muddy street, head bowed to Danica. "Please, accept my utmost apology, and allow me to escort you through the festival and pay for anything you or your companion may desire. It is the very least I can do after such a disgraceful display." Aramir looked between Danica and the noble (so she assumed, given his dress and manner of speech), clearly confused by the display, but intrigued at the idea of someone paying for everything. [b]"I say let him do it."[/b] ----- Danica probably could have pulled Aramir back instead of shoving her, but she thought of shoving first and hadn't had time for more careful deliberation on how to act. Nevertheless, nobody was seriously injured. Well, She had been, but it was a temporary inconvenience at best. Whatever momentary lapse Danica might have had, she seemed to be under control. 'Episodes' were far less common since she came to the college, as they had a habit of keeping her well-fed and reasonably entertained. She took a moment to unravel her scar, checking it over... yes, it was all intact. She rolled it up and tucked it into one of her pouches. She was obsessive about it. And why not? Not only was it important to her, but it was not as if she could simply get a replacement. She'd decided it would be best to hide it for a while. She had been lucky so far, but the last thing she needed was to come across another from the church. They'd ask questions. She said nothing to Aramir, merely smiling and patting her on the head. She was fine. She watched the rider approach, arching a brow. The effect was a little less pronounced with only one of them visible, however. She heard him out, mulling it over. He was likely only offering out of fear of retribution from the church. Well, mayhap a little was a genuine desire to make things right. It wouldn't do if the church found out he'd trampled a nun. Not that she was much of a nun these days. [color=f7941d][b]"All is forgiven."[/b][/color] She said, with a slight bow, hand over her heart. Aramir might notice she did that exact gesture a lot. Possibly another habit from her time in the church. [color=f7941d][b]"If you must though, there is one thing you can help with."[/b][/color] She looked over toward the tailor's. [color=f7941d][b]"The woman inside the establishment is currently designing a dress for my friend here. If you still feel the need to make amends, tell her you will be covering the costs."[/b][/color] She said. She nodded through any other words he might have had to say on the matter. He was polite enough, but nobility was terribly dull. She preferred it when people spoke more plainly to her. Once he'd gone, she looked down to the elf. [color=f7941d][b]"Shall we get..."[/b][/color] She trailed off as she caught sight of... something. [color=f7941d][b]"Hrm."[/b][/color] She knelt down beside her, pointing off past the crowd. There was a womman in a dark coat, knocking on a door. She seemed to be wearing a hood and cap, but what was more notable was the scarf draped around her neck. It was almost identical to Danica's save its black coloring, with the same silver thread along the edges. [color=f7941d][b]"See that woman?"[/b][/color] She asked, clicking her tongue. [color=f7941d][b]"She's a Vindicator. They're the ones that investigate corruption. And if necessary, seek retribution."[/b][/color] She said, standing up again. The woman backed off from the door, waving to some guards. One of them proceeded to barge the door down, storming inside as his partner followed. The woman casually strolled in after them, hefting a mace over her shoulder. Whatever the poor bastard inside had done to attract such attention, she didn't envy them. [color=f7941d][b]"I'd rather not stick around. Their order is not known for their gentle disposition."[/b][/color] ----- The noble looked like he was about to protest, before seeing the look in Danica's eye and deciding not to press the issue. "Thank you for the chance to recompense, madams." He gave another bow, before heading towards the Mary's tailor shop, a group of men and guards following him. For her part Aramir kept lookin over Danica, making sure that the woman wasn't simply pretending to be okay, as so many warriors of the College tended to do. Satisfied that Dani wasn't just pretending out of some misplaced need to reassure Aramir, she turned her attention to the other woman Dani was gesturing at, shuddering. She didn't like the vibe that woman gave off, cold and dark, in stark contrast to Dani's warm, if eccentric, aura of friendliness and strong faith. She nodded in agreement with Dani's expressed desire to not be around when the woman left the room. [b]"Unfortunately you're going to have to lead the way, the crowd has only gotten thicker. I'll hold on tight and you just push your way through the crowd, yeah?"[/b] Aramir declared, looking up at the taller Eanian woman as she gripped her leather coat tightly. As the two women left, a man left Mary's dress shop and started following them, staying a short distance behind. He made an effort to not appear to be following them, not a difficult proposition given the sheer amount of people going in any direction through the streets of Shimmerstone.