Captain Frye was more than a little confused about some of the information. At least this time the computer decoded it completely. [table=bordered][row][cell][center] Oath of Salvation, we do not know what Vox Codes are we assume it is some kind of friend or foe coding. We do not have tech-priests, most of my crew is holographic they do not worship any deity. We can beam over several engineers and doctors. For us to beam them over you will have to lower any shields. Please......Hold a second. [/center][/cell][/row][/table] Frye cut the transmission. She was alerted to the presence of pyramid shaped ships and their hostile actions. Plus the Endeavor's request for help evil from getting eviler. "RED ALERT!" Instantly weapons systems and shields were brought to full power. As well as audible alarm throughout the ship. Throughout the ship Frye could be heard. "Hostiles aliens of unknown origin are attacking a defenseless shuttle that we have learned has another hostile alien on board. We have been advised by a friendly ship that we can't allow the two to meet. Prepare for separation." [table=bordered][row][cell][center]Oath of Salvation I'm afraid help will have to wait. A dire situation has arisen that must be taken care of first.[/center][/cell][/row][/table] Areas of the ship began to seal themselves off. Frye then was only communication with the people in charge of bridges Beta & Gamma. "Beta & Gamma focus fire on weapon emplacements if they have shields. Find a way through them." Prometheus Alpha, Beta, & Gamma raced towards the pyramid ships and shuttle. Beta & Gamma immediately began firing phasers finding the ship protected by shields. Alpha positioned itself between the the pyramids and the shuttle. [table=bordered][row][cell][center] I am Captain Frye of the USS Creed from the United Federation of Planets. We cannot act as your shield forever. I suggest lowering your shields and allowing us to beam you aboard our ship. [/center][/cell][/row][/table] What Frye didn't tell them they were going to be beamed directly to a holding cell.