[h1]Môrogoed/Lorea[/h1] [h2]Border Lake[/h2] With a monthly tribute from the elves of Môrogoed secured and safe passage along the river guaranteed, the entire kobold raiding fleet made its way to the lake that separated the elves from the half-elves. Upon arrival, the kobolds brought their rafts together to form a floating campsite on Môrogoed's side of the lake. With a base of operations established, the kobolds began making preparations. Under the cloak of darkness, the kobolds intended to send raiding parties across the lake and into Lorea. There they would then seize meat and treasure from where ever such things could be found, before crossing back over the river to Môrogoed by the 1st light of day to send their loot back to the mountains. Nightfall wouldn't be for some time yet, so the kobolds had time to think about where they would look for raiding targets. According to both the initial scouting reports and general kobold superstition, targets that were further to the east were harder yet more rewarding. The least experienced raiding parties weren't planning to put to much distance between themselves and the lake. The more experienced raiding parties planned on hitting Lorea's central regions. Only the most experienced raiding parties would attack the eastern plains. There was also talk among the veteran raiders of making an attempt on the trade caravan passing through the area and the large group of mounted soldiers who were probably led by someone worth a hefty ransom.