"Hmph. If that's really the umbrella in question, you wouldn't mind handing it over as evidence. correct? We could easily run it through anayzlsis and compare the shape to that in the video. And that'll prove your claims true or false. However, for the moment. We will have to detain you as a possible suspect, only as for protocol. i do not believe you did it, but the MMO Is there, alongside a ton of evidence pointing towards you. so you must understand why I have to do this, in the end. It's only for the safety of the truth, really. If you are innocent, then this will prove it. If not, then.. Well, we will see from there. However, I do have to keep you detained for the time being. until there is more evidence that pops up indicating that there is something else going on here. Jones, go and find her somewhere where they can keep a eye on her. However, don't make it a dark cell. Make it a comfy holding chamber, you remember that we had some of those still installed. correct?"