[center][h2][b]Turn of the Century[/b][/h2] [sup]A Theodorable inspired RP[/sup][/center] It is the [b]Turn of the Century[/b] and the world is starting it with a boom, whether physically or metaphorically, nations are colonizing or conquering, making deals or arguing border rights. All of these possibilities are available to those who would lead those nations to either glory or bitter defeat. [b]Turn of the Century[/b] is both a military and political simulation RP set at the beginning of the 20th century and players are given near complete free will for their actions with guidance from me, you most [s]tyrannical[/s] benevolent GM who will be playing the NPC nations and grand vizier of events that will help make this world seem more alive. [center][img]https://www.trinitywallstreet.org/sites/default/files/hero_header/Jacob-Riis-New-York-City-circa-1900-14Header.jpg[/img][/center] [hider=Current Map] The Continent [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/302062776967364618/450726001534697492/image.png[/img] Ryukan Continent [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/302062776967364618/450726078865211392/image.png[/img][/hider] [hr] [b]Nation Sheet[/b] [code] Nation Application [b]Official Government Name[/b]: (Kingdom of, Republic of, etc. It is 1899, be mindful) [b]Head of State[/b]: (Position, Name, Age) [b]Capital City[/b]: [b]National Language[/b]: [b]Basic Demographics[/b]: (What is the geography like?) -------------------------------------------------- When you begin, you have the following stats: 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1. 6 is the best and 1 is the worst. [b]I.Nation[/b] - [b]Population[/b]: How many people live in your nation. - [b]Stability[/b]: How stable your nation is. - [b]Landmass[/b]: How much territory your nation takes up. - [b]Demographics[/b]: The amount of cultures in your land (6 is homogeneity, 1 is culturally diverse). - [b]Civilian Industry[/b]: The development of civilian industry that grows your economy. - [b]Armaments Industry[/b]: The development of armaments industry that powers your military. - [b]Infrastructure[/b]: How developed your territory is. - [b]Naval Industry[/b]: The development of your shipbuilding industry. [b]II. Military[/b]: - [b]Army Size[/b]: - [b]Army Training[/b]: - [b]Army Technology[/b]: - [b]Navy Size[/b]: - [b]Navy Training[/b]: - [b]Navy Technology[/b]: [b]III. Economics[/b]: - [b]Rare Resources[/b]: Resources such as oil, chromium, rubber, or gold. - [b]Common Resources[/b]: Resources such as metals, grains or coal. - [b]Luxury Resources[/b]: Resources such as sugar, tobacco, tea or diamonds. - [b]Bureaucracy[/b]: How effective your nation's ability to trade, import and export is. [/code] {Shamely ripped from Theodorable's 'The World as We Know It'} [b]General Rules[/b] [hider=General Rules] 1. All players will receive a National Form which details everything that you have, this information is to be used as the player wishes, but it is imperative that it be kept away from those who would take advantage of it. 2. Political Power is the major actions that your nation can take in a turn, however, this does not stop the player from acting in a minor more freeform manner, mainly describing the countries inner working or cultures, etc. Major actions are defined in rule 7. Nations receive 3 political power a turn and may be spent in any manner, whether all in on one action or split. Putting points into one action generally improve the chances of success and go as follows: 1 = 1d10 2 = 1d10 + 2 3 = 1d10 + 4 but has a 75% chance to receive a negative event A 10 results in a major success. If you achieve a 12, then you get a chance for an innovation. 3. Every turn shall last for three in-game months, (January-March, etc.) 4. Posts, especially well-written ones, will give bonuses to rolls for actions as well as drive further the narrative of the world that is being set. So be sure to make these posts relevant to what they are about and give context as to why the nation is going about it, or to add character to the nation, etc. 5. Random events will happen throughout the game and will players, not all of them are positive. Be prepared. Some of them may affect a single nation, others may be world wide. 6. All players are expected to act with a political mindset as not only will other great powers act with or against your actions but also minor NPC powers. 7. Major Actions are divided into several categories; Army or Navy, Home Front, Politics, Foreign Affairs, Colonization/Imperialization, and Technological. All that is needed is that when you do an action, is choose a category then give an example of what you wish to accomplish.[/hider] [hider=Sending Orders] 1. Orders are to be sent to the GM in a PM, preferably the one you get when you received your National Sheet. 2. [b]Categories[/b][list] [*][i]Army [or] Navy[/i] - Bolster your armed forces. [*][i]Colonization/Imperialization[/i] - Spread your culture around the world [*][i]Politics[/i] - Appoint a minister or general, etc. [*][i]Home Front[/i] - We must listen to our people, or silence them. [*][i]Foreign Affairs[/i] - The pen is mightier than barbarism. [*][i]Technological[/i] - Advance our chances of gaining an scientific advantage.[/list] 3. You have three political power points as detailed in the above hider, spend them wisely. 4. When you send your orders, give the category and an example of what you wish to accomplish. [/hider] [Hider=Mechanics] [b]Civilian Industry[/b] 1. Consumer Goods have an inverse effect on Stability, the more you have the less likely your citizens are to revolt on you as they lead content lives. However, you do not control these factories nor will they produce anything for you. 2. Trade Goods factories are factories you have available to export goods to other nations, while they do not produce anything, they will allow you to do trade. 3. State owned factories allow you to construct things, such as roads, railroads, other factories, or be used to increase your chances of gaining a technology. It does cost political points to assign these factories. [b]Armaments[/b] 1. Private Factories produce you guns up to any specified amount as determined by the country, costs 1 State Owned Civilian factory per 5,000, cost a political clout to start. 2. State Owned Factories produce guns naturally over time, however, far less than Private factories. [b]Stability[/b] 1. Stability effects how unhappy or content your citizens are with the current status of the nation, a low stability will likely result in more riots, clashes between demographics, or even civil war.[/hider] Don't be afraid to ask any questions!