Xiangjang Kingdom [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/ff/Flag_of_China_%281912%E2%80%931928%29.svg/1200px-Flag_of_China_%281912%E2%80%931928%29.svg.png[/img] Official Government Name: Xiangjiang Dynasty Head of State: Emperor Ding Pao Liu Capital City: Shalong National Language: Xianese Basic Demographics: Being the largest country in the east, the country of Xiangjiang has mountains, forests, deserts, plains. Hot, temperate, arid, cold temperatures. Made up of a very homogenous population, it is still suffering from varying political and long tanding tribal tensions. Even ethnic minority disputes. The country itself although ruled by an emperor, has various militias and self proclaimed warlords. But also a battle between 3 primary factions. The pro monarch, the pro republic and the pro socialists. There is also a 4th but unofficial. The Oyashiman loyalists. But they lack a militia and weapons and instead rely on diplomacy and speeches to rally their cause to the populace. Resource rich, they have been slightly industrialized but, due to longstanding tensions internally, and also exploitation by corrupt government and companies, it's industry can't reach its full potential. It's military, although one of the largest is under equipped and outdated. Along with it's navy using very outdated weapons. I.Nation - Population: 6 - Stability: 1 - Landmass: 5 - Demographics: 6 - Civilian Industry: 2 - Armaments Industry: 3 - Infrastructure: 2 - Naval Industry: 1 II. Military: - Army Size: 5 - Army Training: 1 - Army Technology: 1 - Navy Size: 5 - Navy Training: 3 - Navy Technology: 2 III. Economics: - Rare Resources: 4 - Common Resources: 4 - Luxury Resources: 4 - Bureaucracy: 1