[i][/i][i][/i][center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/364205526583738368/366054033280204810/Shizuku.png[/img][/center] [Center][COLOR=39b54a][sup][b]Konohagakure | Jonin | Wind Child[/b][/sup][/COLOR][/center][hr][INDENT][sup][COLOR=39b54a][b]TIME:[/b] [i]Present Day - Time Unknown[/i] | [b]LOCATION:[/b] Then: [i]Dome Biome – Outskirts[/i], Now: [i]Dome Biome, Laboratory[/i] | [b]INTERACTION:[/b][@Aeolian][@Reflection][@Hillan][/COLOR][/sup][/INDENT] The pale skinned kunoichi took it upon herself to investigate the surrounding area, it seemed no one really had asserted real authority or leadership over the group. With no clear leader the group kind of just buggered off and did their own thing. Shizuka’s precautions and reconnaissance were wasted on the group as Erika just rampaged forward like a bull in a china shop. This was quite the abhorrent behavior for one who seemed so reserved and delicate, almost like a flower. Who knows, perhaps it was the book she carried that gave her this kind of charisma and sense of security. Whatever as the case, Shizuka followed promptly behind her as she began her own investigation. [color=39b54a]“I don’t really like the dark, I can’t see anything when it’s dark out. So let’s shine some light on them kay?”[/color] Shizuka said with eyes smiling for him. The dilapidated building was nothing more than a childish guise, what was housed inside was far more interesting. It seemed the group was caught in a fork in the road, not literally, but nevertheless they had to split. In any scenario splitting up was a sure fire way of being killed and picked off easier than staying in one large group, but this seemed to have called for special variables. After some quick deliberation by the insect man AKA [color=39b54a][i]Bug-Man[/i][/color], Shizuka’s super hero moniker he donned onto the fellow shinobi, the groups split. Shizuka wasn’t bothered who he was paired with as long as they didn’t really get in his way. With bible thumping Erika now in his party, the two wandered off to find this mystical laboratory. A sudden stream of relief poured itself into Shizuka’s lungs. The familiar feeling of a clean and sanitized space filled the boy with glee and effervescence. The boy collapsed the air filtration mask he had on and took one deep inhalation of clean air. With a new outlook on life Shizuka quickly went to work, his eyes moved like buttons being pushed on a typewriter. The ruby eyed ninja couldn’t make tails end of the writing on the documents he found or on anything with writing actually. Having ruled out the ability to read any of the foreign writing, Shizuka stuck to visual evidence to help guide their path. Examining the rest of the room, his eyes were glued to the only thing keen enough to warrant any attention, hazard tape. Air walking over tables and equipment the young boy touched down in the face of the black and yellow tape. Without much thought he cut through the tape with a finger cloaked in highly pressurized wind chakra. Flicking the wind off his finger allowed the doors to part just enough for him to squeeze through. What Shizuka found on the other side was quite interesting to say the least. [color=39b54a]“Hey Erika come over here and check this out. You might want to consult your book on answers for this”[/color] Religion always seemed like wasted energy to Shizuka, he much rather believed in that the earth had a soul and had distinct spiritual essences. Regardless that was neither here nor there, while he signaled for the pale girl to run over, the boy tried with all his might to open the reinforced access doors but to no avail. Instead, he did manage to make out seals placed on each of the chambers within. Shizuka was never too good with seals so he left that to Erika as he continued to look around. Unsheathing his sword, with the tail end of his handle he broke through the green box taking the pills while clearing the rest of the glass. [color=39b54a]“There’s some instructions on here I can’t read, here keep it as a bookmark” [/color]Tossing it over his shoulder he guided the piece of paper with air, creating a pathway to meet directly up with Erika. [color=39b54a]“I’m not much for linguistics or deciphering unknown language, but I can tell what illustrations mean and I don’t think these are too friendly”[/color] each adjacent chamber had a picture of multiple animals. It was similar to a zoo or an aquarium where they keep the image and description of the species on the walls outside of the glass. The only difference was these were no normal animals, quite possibly genetically spliced or an amalgamation formed from some use of Kinjutsu, whatever was the case, Shizuka was glad he hadn’t opened the chamber doors. [color=39b54a]“Well now what? There’s nothing really more we can do in here, not until we figure out what those instructions mean. And I ain’t ready to go to Old McDonald’s farm just yet”[/color] The wind child joked.