He took the pill bottle. "Mind having this be tested with a blood sample? I have a theory in mind, but. It's extremely unlikely that this could actually be the bottle in question. However, if we get a single sample from this. We could extremely easily rule it out as a possible agent that he was drugged with." He'd quickly scout around the area, looking around and mumbling to himself. Almost as if he was thinking about something that you couldn't quite comprehend.. Then, he started to dig through the trash-cans, out of all things? it was a pretty odd move for just having arrived there. emptying the place. "I'll probably find a few needles in here. it's clear that drugs and other illegal substances were used at this party. get ready to file a few reports by the end of this search, because i'm pretty sure we'll have more than one person in cuffs by the end of this investigation. Even if it's not for the crime that were investigating for... But, that doesn't matter. if someone broke the law, even if it's not what were investigating. it should still be properly handled."