"That'd be quite right, Mr. Charles! There was one person in the taxi that day when I drove him, but he kept talking about a man when he was in the back seat! This man, this man by the name of Harry Krane was apparently a friend of his and he was set to be at this grand party tonight! I would have attended it if it wasn't for my work..." he made a pause as he glanced around the confetti strewn across the floor, "but he did tell me that he was going to be ingesting some heavy amounts of alcohol at this party. After that, I just let him out of my taxi after he paid the fare and I sped off." That would be all for Zeus' testimony, but as he completed this, Ramirez took all of the bagged needles and substances and took them to the station to be analyzed, as Grace would most likely get back to Charles with some information, being an expert in the subject. Back at the station, Jones informed Jackson about what had happened in their case, as he gave him a spare Class 2 key-card that he had on hand from Greene's visit. He told him about how Kate had thrust-ed an umbrella at the victim and how that umbrella is currently being analyzed against the footage, alongside the new lead at Gecko Street Station. He informed him about how a samurai sword found at the casino might have been the murder weapon and finally, how there were some traces of facial cream on the sword. "It's a shame that our killer doesn't take their sanity as seriously as their hygiene!" Jones commented as he finished explaining the crime to Jackson. "Do you have any theories yet or do you want to get-" he was cut off as Alex, the tech analyst, ran up to Jones, telling him about his latest venture. "It actually wasn't that hard to find the guy. Once you cracked down on his Friend Net profile, all you had to do was just check his latest images on the site and voila! - I got his phone number. From there, I told him about his friend's death and told him to go to the stock market for some further questioning, so he should be at the entrance." "Well, it looks like Alex here has managed to track down Harry Krane, so it wouldn't hurt to talk to the victim's co-worker at the stock market, now, wouldn't it?" Jones inquired, walking down the hallway to get into his squad car. [b]Objective 11B:[/b] "Investigate Gecko Street Station for any potential leads." is complete! [b]Objective 13B:[/b] "Wait for all of the station's evidence to be analyzed." has been added! [b]Objective 14A:[/b] "Interrogate Harry Krane about the victim." has been added!