Elle smiled an raised an eyebrow, both amused and perplexed by his reply. Although, she was relieved that everything seemed to be fine. Maybe he couldn't sleep either. [color=00B2EE]"Ghost hunting, you say?"[/color] she tilted her head with a laugh. Well, it was certainly the hour for it. Elle was a firm believer in the supernatural, more so now considering the fact she could absorb the souls of [i]dragons[/i]. She still wasn't sure what all that was about, but she didn't want to think about it at the moment. Ghost hunting sounded more mundane, ironically. He had said it like one might say they were taking a leisurely stroll to gather juniper berries; an enjoyable activity rather than a potentially dangerous outing. At his invitation for her to join him, she shrugged and fastened the scabbard around her waist. [color=00B2EE]"I couldn't sleep anyway,"[/color] she consented, her smile weary. Honestly, she was relieved he seemed to want her company, otherwise she would have left him to his own devices and returned to her room to stew in her thoughts. Tracking spirits sounded fun compared to the events of the last few days they had spent traveling, fighting for their lives, and bumping elbows with death itself. Plus, since it seemed they would be traveling together for a while, this might give them a chance to actually get to know each other before she dove head first into all this Dragonborn business. [color=00B2EE]"So, what makes you think there are spirits here?"[/color] she asked as she began walking in the direction he had gestured, using the leather band around her wrist to pull her wild hair back into a half up top knot. She assumed what he had seen was rather ghostly and that he wasn't just wandering about Ivarstead hoping to find trouble. Though trouble seemed to find both of them very easily, no matter where the pair seemed to go. She had survived more near death experiences in the past few days than she had endured in her entire nineteen years of living.