[b]"Well we need to get going move!"[/b] After absorbing the half burnt out vault door the crew in the upper floors rushed off quickly into the vault to crack open the wall safes, and the others putting handfuls of wads into bags. As Disel asked how she looked the soldiers stifled a cackle. Meanwhile at the vault the thermite drills was finally finishing its job at tearing its way through the hard metal only to have a door in its way. The disgruntled soldiers roared in anger as one of them considered just blowing the door open. [b]"You look like a million dollars."[/b] grumbled the soldier in command. He turned on his radio, and asked the second team how they were doing. [b]"We're doing ok down here still need to burst open the door."[/b] the soldier on the other line grumbled as he prepared to talk to his fellow soldiers each them arguing if it was worth using the drill, or they should just blow it up. [b]"Not sure if the metal worker here will be able to get down to that floor with the way they are now."[/b] said the soldier on their end. ===== The lieutenant turned around and asked for a roll call. Everyone seemed fine. [b]"The boss has supplied us fragmentation grenades. It was a failsafe in case things got back. We have no incendiary grenades but if you throw a car, or something at him, and he doesn't slam you back with it we should be able to blow it up in his face, or at least destroy his pedals."[/b] commented the lieutenant as he offered his suggestion. [b]"Failing that he's still human we got guns. The big problem is there's more than one hero here. That means we don't got an easy shot either way."[/b]