From Lesina's backstory: "The next phase of her life took place in a [b]Hylian Barracks[/b]. She was raised by all of the Knights, Squires aspiring to be Knights and so forth. As soon as she could walk the young squire was running errands for members of the Barracks. The instructors taught her to run, climb, crawl, carry weight, preparing her for the day she was old enough to begin combat training. She started training for combat at the ripe age of 10 with all of the other young men. They were taught how to polish and maintain armor, sharpen blades, fight with a sword and repel with a shield" "Originally, the path the Hylian Army intended for Lesina was that of a healer since she was a woman" "Eventually, the Squires became too easy and too soft to prove an adequate challenge. So she began training against fully fledged Knights." [@Inkarnate] I didnt think I'd have to say "By the way, Lesina is a member of the Hylian Knights/Guards"