[i]Someone like me?[/i] he thought. Even if she was in fact considering him an easy way out, he had to admit she knew how to butter a man up. Whether or not she was being sincere with her compliments, he would find out. But the way she spoke was a hint he caught on, that she still had an inkling of hope getting out of here. He hadn't entirely given up either, but his escape plan would be somewhat daring. Lifting a sword off one of the guards as they escorted him to the gallows, sort of daring. As much as he enjoyed risking his life, it was already forfeit at the moment. He had nothing to lose making acquaintances with a beauty and perhaps making an escape out of here. What could the guards do to him? If they have their way, he would be dead in three days. "Seems to me it would be doubly shameful to see you waste away," he said, leaning forward, his forearms resting on the horizontal bars connected the others at the center of the door. "If you just made a small blunder. Nords can be a bit rash apparently." His next words were earnest, and he mirrored her hand shaking movements. "Markus." he said with an easy smile. "Markus Flintbrook. Sword for hire until it got me sentences to death." He was indeed tired of his time in this cage. Normally, he would only be this easygoing if he were to find Raelynn in an Inn or at a social gathering. He never imagined showing a flirtatious or cordial side in jail, but he was. He would rather fight his way out as he'd always done, or maneuvered and vaulted over guards and chairs. But they had caught him with overwhelming numbers, and he didn't know any spells to get him out of this cell. "Tell me Raelynn, would that simple mistake you made have anything to do with sleight of hand?" He said, smiling amusingly. Nine Divines he must be tired, for him to make light of this situation.