[center][h2]Hyrule Castle Town - Green District[/h2][/center] [center]Telma's Bar[/center] Durahans Bilko could hardly be considered a lucky man, but today so far had been excellent in these last days. He had found some decent shelter by the rain in the cobbled streets, thanks to a few broken barrels that sat outside one of the many seedy bars in the part of this city. It wasn't a bed, but at least the rats weren't too aggressive. Also he had found a big chunk of slightly mouldy bread! That was quite the finding for someone like him. He would be able to eat for a whole night and day with just that! Just as he was about to have the first unsavoury bite of the the half rotten food, he had gotten a telepathic message from someone. Well, he assumed it was a telepathic message. It had all the right hallmarks of the right type of supernatural power. It made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. [i]"Help me... my name is Zelda... I have gone into labor within the castle, and I fear I won't survive. My husband is not to be trusted. Please, come to me. There is an old well hidden behind Telma's Bar in the green district that passes beneath the castle's walls. Friends await you there."[/i] Bilko waited for a few moments to process the message. Some powerful mage lady was giving birth. And she was asking him, Bilko, out of all people to help. He looked at his bread, his features scrunching up with dejection. "I can't even have dinner...i want to have my dinner first." He muttered to himself as he sighed. "Well, at least I wasn't mugged or stolen or eaten for rats. Also that Zelda name is familiar for some reason." He added, popping his head out of the barrel like a ferret pops his head out of its hole, looking left and right. So he wasn't the only one? Well, he felt slightly relieved. It was a varied group. That means everyone would be at fault when things went wrong and not just the silly self of Bilko. He was even lucky in that regard. Telma's Bar was just right next to the refuse garbage he had taken as a residence, so he stepped into the light, trying to shake off some refuse bits that clung together. He addressed what was probably Telma or at least a gerudo worker of hers with the most dignified way he could. He failed miserably. "Hi um, lady. I also got that message. I um, Ghost business is no good so I will help to get babies for food. That didn't sound right. I mean...uh". He paused for a second in hesitation. It was then when the hugest rat he had ever seen bolted like a black shadow from the deepest corners of the alley and snatched his ill-gotten mouldy bread. "My dinner!" He squeaked. "How can I go adventuring without mouldy bread now?"