[hr][center] [img] http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjk2LjY2OTFmZi5UV2x1TFVwMWJpQkNZV1ZyLjAA/attic.regular.png [/img] [/center] [sub][@Surtr Inc][@Atrophy][@Prosaic][@Mike73][@He Who Walks Behind] [/sub] [code]The Reid Farmhouse – Main House[/code] [hr] “Hmm,” Min just nodded in response to Britney. Well, it shouldn’t be too hard to efficiently get around the place anyway. There was enough of them to cover all of the place in no time. He moved off to the side, peering into the study with slightly narrowed eyes. It seemed like a logical place to keep information, but if John Reid wanted to keep it secret… well he wouldn’t put it in there, would he? That was just too obvious. “I’ll come to the upper floors.” [hr][center] [img] http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjBkNzI0NS5UV0Z5YVdwdUlFUnlhV1Z6YzJWdUlBLCwuMQAA/happyhanneke.regular.png [/img] [/center] [sub][@Surtr Inc][@Atrophy][@Zombiedude101] [/sub] [code]The Reid Farmhouse – Garage[/code] [hr] “I did not know that,” Rien gave a slight shrug to Kimberley, but at least looked like they felt a bit bad. Then again they didn’t care all that much. Okay, so it had been a bit insensitive. But it wasn’t going to hurt anyone here. They went back to searching in the back of the truck but weren’t really coming up with anything. They guessed it was just a bit too obvious a place to put super secret information you didn’t want to get out. It was all just tools and shit like that. Jordan found something, though, and Rien was more than happy to stop searching to head over and see what it was. The sooner they finished this shit the better. They kind of wanted to get out of here without getting caught and without too much effort. Or before something worse turned up to try and kill them. “What the fuck?” Rien looked over the photos that Kimberley showed everyone with a slight frown. Not creepy at all. It was all a bit weird. Then a thought occurred to them. “This is just a shot in the dark, but the weird god child said something about a previous generation of Awakened,” they pointed to the last photograph. “Do you think that’s them?” [hr][center] [img] http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjExNi44OGMwY2QuUTJGbGJHVmhJRUpoYVhKay4w/rainy-wind.regular.png[/img] [/center] [sub][@Surtr Inc][@Ciaran] [/sub] [code]The Reid Farmhouse –Barn[/code] [hr] Caelea had no idea what the girl she handed the stick to was going to do, but she figured it was better to move out of the way. Though in her case her way of doing that was to just step behind Hagan - he could take the brunt of whatever happened. She was so small that he basically acted like a wall that she could hide behind. She kind of wanted to see what was going to happen anyway so she could still peer around him. Well that was quite an abstraction that blew away all of the shit. A bit handy really. And there was that nifty wall that she'd just about seen appear in front of Hagan. Was that his? He looked just a little confused about it. "Didn't know you had some kind of magical protection from literal shit," she said, mostly joking, before heading over to the hatch that they'd found in the middle of the barn. Of course this guy had a creepy tunnel under his barn. Why wouldn't he? She only hoped it didn't lead to some freaky place that had nothing to do with all the stuff happening to them. She had to say that the tunnel wasn't the most appealing thing, she wasn't a fan of fan of cramped spaces. But it was the place with the biggest chance of actually containing something. And damn it was long. "You scared of the ghosts down there, huh, Hagan?" Caelea teased, though her tone was slightly cautious. She did hold some of his hesitations about it. What happened if they for stuck down there. "I kinda have to agree that it's the place we're most likely to find something. I'm sure it's safe enough, what’s the worst that can happen in a dark tunnel?" Okay a lot of things, but she wasn't the kind of person to let that get to her. The tight space bothered her more. It would be constraining. "We should probably go into it but stick together while doing it." A bit quieter, she added. "I can't believe I'm advocating teamwork." Shaking her head, she went over to the opening and easily climbed down the ladder. She shuffled to the side to give Hagan room to come down and pulled out her phone to turn on it’s (shitty) flashlight. The tunnel creeped her out a bit but she wasn’t going to let it get to it. She just hoped they actually found something down here.