He'd let out a sigh, for a second. Looking at Henry Crane with a bit of.. Distaste. not enough for him to notice, but enough for Jones to pick up Chris didn't like the vibes coming off from him. "Anyways, do you happen to know anything about what had occurred this night? Your late partner had a rather... Unfortunate death, per say. Did you see anything strange? Mainly from him and the people around him, of course. We don't wanna be chasing smoke and mirrors." He said in his most polite tone possible, trying not to come off as too hostile to this man. Despite his clear Suspicion on him already, which were.. Admittingly completely unwarranted, no evidence was even starting to point towards this man in particular. "Ah, do you happen to use facial Cream. By the way? I know, that question is completely out of left field. But listen, I can ensure you that it is extremely, EXTREMELY important to our investigation as a whole. You do not have to answer, but it would be highly appreciated.