[h3][color=f6989d]Yasaliah Josk: Pilot[/color][/h3] A few hours before the breach of the Marauder, Yasaliah Josk rubbed the sleep our of her blue eyes- they were bright and sparkled when the light hit them just right. All three parts of her eyes were different shades of blue, but it was hard to tell as they disappeared beneath the slow, tired blinks of her pink eyelids. Yasaliah was a member of the Satasi species. She was made up of a variety of attractive cool colors, mostly a soft pink. Her purple hair was tied into a high ponytail. Covering her body was a simplistic line-dot pattern of teal. Tattoo-like, though it naturally formed on her skin when she turned 16- a little early for Satasi to get their pattern. The Satasi pilot believed it to be her most attractive feature, and as such wore what could be considered revealing clothing. A dark pink crop-top that most women wear to the gym, a denhim short shorts. When she wasn't so abysmally tired, and she had nothing to do, she could often be seen smugly tracing the pattern on her skin with her index finger. But no, Yasaliah wasn't her usual self. It had been stressful to say the least. The Committee fucked up, and now the Marauders were sent on a "risky" (read: near suicidal) mission to steal from giant, ugly, beasts Ray compared to a creature called 'mole rats' on his planet Earth. They looked like nothing Yasaliah had ever seen- nothing on her home planet was so objectively repulsive. Captain Ray says that it's time to get some rest, because 'Tango will keep watch'. Great. A robot. It doesn't even have real eyes, how can it see out the view finder? Yasaliah wasn't going to sleep, she didn't trust that hologram as far as she could throw it. She did take her hands off the console though, leaning back in her chair, exasperated. It was only a matter of time until those creatures found them again, and it would be up to her to get them outta there. No ma'am, no sleep. Not yet. A few moments later, Yasaliah was snoring quietly, slumped in her pilot's chair. [color=f6989d]"Soriyunka, lorishod teeri!?"[/color] She cursed, confused and slurred, in her native tongue, startling out of her slumber as warning blared over the ships communication system. She woke up half-way to falling onto the ground, the breach knocking her from her chair. Damn it! What was she supposed to do, sleep with her seatbelt on!? There was a small amount of dark blue blood dripping her from bottom lip. Scared and frustrated, the pilot attempted to get herself situated when another shuttle struck the ship, knocking her onto her ass. [color=f6989d]"Fuck's sake!"[/color] The woman shouted in very much English, strained from the terror welling in her chest as once again she failed to prevent the Ulnar from getting aboard. There was a brief moment of reprieve, allowing Yasaliah to buckle her seat belt and warm up the console. [color=blue]"...Yasaliah, I need you to get us in position to shoot these assholes..."[/color] She heard in a string of the Captain's orders over the comms. Yasaliah responded curtly,[color=f6989d] "Yessir."[/color] The Monroe began to take evasive maneuvers, the artificial gravity of the ship preventing the inhabitants to hit the ceiling and break their necks. Using various monitors and info-gathering equipment, the experienced pilot was able to get her position in space relative to the Ulnar cruiser. Her objective was to get into an advantagous position. If she lined up the Monro perpendicular to the Ulnar ship, turrets on the top, bottom, and port of the ship would be able to open fire. Yasaliah did as such. From the enemy pilot's position, Yasaliah is high above and to the right hand side, firing down upon them. She continued to try and orbit around the enemy ship, keeping perpendicular for maximum turret LOS, while trying to prevent the enemy to get a good bead on her. Yasaliah yelped as she heard a slam on the door into her pilot's room. An Ulnar pirate was on the otherside, trying to get it. Yasaliah realized with a sinking sensation that she had not locked the door, and if it wasn't for the actions of Tango she would be dead already. Shit. Either way, if left alone, she assumed the Ulnar would be able to get inside somehow, whether it be brute force, a cutting tool or overriding the control panel. [color=f6989d]"Can I get some help over by the cockpit? At least one of them is trying to get inside."[/color] She shouted over the Comms, the worry slightly trembling her voice.