[@Guy0fV4lor]If you would, just keep in mind that Stone Shot needs ammo but you can only carry 10 items total on your person at once right now. [@Bishop] Accepted! [quote=The Demon King] [color=red]Well now. Here I thought that ghetto street rat, or that Triad femme fatale, would be the worst of my "Heroes." After all, the world you came from is far more peaceful--despite what breaking stories assault your minds from every direction at every moment. You don't even have magic anymore, although some of your science seems to be just as prone to abuse and misuse. You, though. Now [i]you[/i] are a rarity. Are you evil, or sadistic? Or were you just such a weak willed, ignorant follower, that you joined in on the rape and plunder because everyone else around you was doing it and you didn't want to be singled out for their abuse the next time? I always laugh when people like you say they had a "realization." Or they "made a mistake." As if you weren't raised to follow societies' rules and morals your entire life. As if learning "rape is bad" was something completely new to you. You claim you were religious, but how important was your God to you, truly? Was He less important than getting your rocks off inside some third world goat farmer's wife? Did your Faith weigh less on the scales than that rifle in your hands? How amusing, the way you Earthlings play gymnastics inside your heads! I've pulled you out of Hell...for now. But rejoice, oh ye of self-informed faith! You may still bear your cross and parade yourself about. Just don't expect anyone else to join your pity party. Skill Gain: Curse Affinity An Affinity Skill makes learning skills related to that affinity easier and boosts their power. The Curse affinity is a category including magics that are solely meant for causing harm and misfortune, and spreading malice. But those who immerse themselves in hatred often drown in it...[/color][/quote]