[hider=Character] [b]Name:[/b] Lorek [hider=Theme] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PTNHQND6MA[/youtube] [/hider] [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Species:[/b] Wisp [b]Appearance:[/b][img]https://img00.deviantart.net/8de1/i/2006/002/f/4/spirit_ball_by_mrsno6.jpg [/img] He and his squad had the same tattoo on their backs to show their bond. During his last year that tattoo turned more into a burden, and as thoughts about removing it passed through his mind he could never do it. Was it guilt? Or a memento from better days... None the less that tattoo carried over to his new body. As a wisp he has this stripe of black ink rotating around his pure blue form, almost as if his sins are still chasing him, even to this new world. [b]Goals:[/b] Redemption [b]Past Life:[/b] He was a soldier in a foreign land, sent there to help the government eradicate a rebel group. In the beginning it all seemed just, they were going to another country to free the citizens from the terror and oppression of the rebels. He killed a lot of those rebel scum fueled by the desire for justice and to serve his country. When, was the exact moment that everything changed or better yet, they changed, he didn't know. Somewhere along the way many squadrons started behaving in a more...animalistic manner. Maybe all the killings and the euphoria of the battlefield combined with the fact that they could die at any given time had ignited that sinful flame within them. They started killing the civilians whose houses they were occupying, stealing their food, raping them. War Crimes. The others aside, he had made peace with the fact that he would be charged and sentenced once the war was over. And then it ended, and all he got for it were medals and commendations among many other praises. Returning back home, he saw his smiling wife, looking at him with tearful eyes filled with admiration, besides her she was holding the hand of a child. An innocent young girl who he was proud to call his own. That sight gripped and painfully twisted his heart almost making him retch. How many families had his squad ruined, how many had [b]he[/b] destroyed? He tried to live his life, tried to forget, tried with therapy, with alcohol, with drugs and then with other women besides his wife. One year later he committed suicide. Some would say that it was the coward's way out. That instead of owning up to his actions he chose to escape them. But he was a religious person and he knew that no punishment on earth could compare to what would befall him in hell. That day he didn't pray once to God for forgiveness. [b]Abilities:[/b] [list] [*][u]Skill Gain: Curse Affinity[/u] An Affinity Skill makes learning skills related to that affinity easier and boosts their power. The Curse affinity is a category including magics that are solely meant for causing harm and misfortune, and spreading malice. But those who immerse themselves in hatred often drown in it... [*][u]Mana Orb I[/u] [*][u]Lesser Force I[/u] [*][u]Levitation[/u] [/list] [b]Transformations:[/b] -- [b]Inventory:[/b] -- [/hider]