"Fine, fine. Thank you for your time. However, we need to know everything. Is there anything else your withholding from us, perhaps?" He'd mumble something into his Radio. "Jones, i'll meet you back at the station. grab whatever you can that remains of note, and I'll be right there." He'd get upwards. "Here, if you think that you "Forgot" anything else. You can contact me from that number, I do hope you don't see this as too aggressive. However, you must understand why I care so much about little details like these. This may of been what I needed in order to prove someone guilty of their entire crime." He'd begin to leave after finishing his little monologue. for a detective from the industrial district, he sure had little to nothing to care for.. Just intimidating Greene like that without the slightest bit of hesitation to it, it was almost... Scary, in a sense. how little of a care he had facing off against someone as powerful as he was.