The lieutenant quickly picked up his radio, and tuned it into a different frequency. The sound of gun fire sounded in the halls. [b]"Captain this is Snake Eyes. We're going to send you back up. One of those quirks from the big man."[/b] commented the lieutenant as the Captain's voice rang through the mic. [b]"God damn it! Hell these swat are really determined. Had my team spread out they're not getting through. Send any of the spare people. Make sure its not a god damn fireworks quirk you're sendin' up here. We got a hallways worth of room up here, and a lot of gunfire."[/b] the boss said as he stopped talking to apparently fire at the swat on the other end of the hallway. The lieutenant looked back up at Aya. [b]"Can't spare too many of the men here. If you're going to go up be careful. Rooms are pretty small up there. There's some vents not sure if you'll fit through them though. If you want I can spare my pistol."[/b] the lieutenant told her.