[hider=D-Class] D-CLASS PERSONNEL SHEET [NAME]: Donald Bastion [AGE]: 31 [SEX]: Male [REASON FOR IMPRISONMENT]: Illegal drug testing that resulted in the deaths of {REDACTED} people. [STRENGTHS]: Highly intelligent, holding a PHD in medical sciences and physics. [WEAKNESSES]: Cynical and arrogant, at times showing a temper and argumentative if he finds another person's views or actions lacking in some respect. [APPEARANCE]: Subject is a dark-haired Caucasian man wearing glasses with blue eyes. He is average in physical development and the glasses are merely reading glasses, non-perscription for focusing on text for long periods of time. [DAYS UNTIL RELEASE]: 30 [/hider] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GHMHRSO ACTIVIST [USERNAME]: QuicksaveKid