By Murkul's shriveled black balls! The elven sorceress nearly spluttered, one eye blinking from having blood in it. She was splattered in blood again. This was why she hated violence and why she had others do it for her. Well, that and the resultant danger of being skewered while inflicting violence. Then the hedge knight began speaking and making an offer. She had to admit, she completely had to reevaluate the man after he opened his mouth. He'd come to collect items from corpses? Honorable knights didn't speak thusly. No, they'd make up an excuse for looting the long dead inhabitants of their valuables, justifying their depredations on some fool quest or something else about the "greater good". Finally, he threatened to give her over to the ogre sized goblin. "I can do more than you could imagine," and began to rise, noting that the knight didn't bother offering her a hand up, "Now, look away from me and be ready to strike him down. You will know when." While rising she had considered a few spells but simple was always best and weaker spells, given that magic was being leeched away somehow felt safer than attempting one of her more powerful spells. So, instead she began to dance. Her slender pale limbs began to catch at the air, spinning in gentle circles, moving to a song that she was humming softly. Her hips began to sway, twisting and writhing as a serpent's might and then, finally, her bare feet shifted back and forth on the roof of her vardo wagon. Her bracelets and anklets began to chime along to the rhythm, giving voice to the music she was so barely humming. She moved with the grace of a leaf caught in the wind and her golden hair caught the light of the moon struggling to reach through the trees and glistened. Beneath the stone goliath's severed hand, holding it's castle slaying sword she danced, moving like the shadow before a flickering flame. That's when the magic began. It was a simple spell, channeled through her dance, one of blatant mesmerism. As the massive goblin stared at her, gaping in dumbfounded rapture, she continued to dance, captivating him completely.