"Was it truly worth it all in the end, to just kill a man over a job offer? You had Millions, a successful career in your future.. and you blew it all on homicide. Do you have any regrets for wasting your life away for some pity revenge plot? It truly wasn't all worth it in the end, even you must admit to that. Perhaps some time behind bars though... 20-30 years, would likely give you quite the bit of time to regret all of your actions, in the end-scheme. Perhaps you'll even begin to realize that money and pride aren't the only things to a happy life, perhaps? But, i'm not sure if you'll ever understand that. Just think about it though, you saw all of those lower-class people who could barely afford anything, and they lived such happy lives. Is that not indication that pride and money aren't the only things to life that make someone have worth? But, I digress. just keep my words in mind while you are rotting away in a jail-cell for a good chunk of your remaining life. anyways, Jones. Take him away, that is all i had to say."