[color=B22222][center][h1]Adenn[/h1][/center][/color] [@Anomaly758] The mandalorian consider the words of the ambassador carefully. The Kadeshi as they called themselves were just as alone and lost as they are. And they are looking for a temporary alliance to find their way back. Pulse the access to their onboard manufacturing would help with any repaired and supple problem the ship could have. "The people operating the needled looking ship called themselves Kadeshi. They are willing to work with us to find our way back. In exchange for helping and protecting them. They had offered us used of their production facility on board their ships." she explained to Orser. The Alor'ad consider what Vasthi told him. "Alright tell them they got a deal. Tell them and get back to Adenn" Vasthi relayed the decision to the ambassador and swiftly returning to the Adenn. ============================================================================================================= As Orser was about to question the crew of the Endeavor about what the heck they are babbling about they received a transmission. [table=bordered][row][cell][center][color=ff3233][b]"Attention ships. There is a greater threat approaching from the"[/b][/color][color=d0d0d0] -Palpatine felt for the ripples in the Force- [/color][color=ff3233][b]"Galactic Center. We must stand together or be destroyed. As this shuttle is lightly armed, I... [i]suggest[/i]... you protect it."[/b][/color][/center][/cell][/row][/table] "Find that shuttle!" Orser ordered. As the sensor operator began to try and scan for the ship. Kanxn chimed in. "You think we can get a reward if we pull who ever it is out?" Kanxn asked to observe the activity from some of the other ships. "If they can't we leave they." Orser respond. In the void the Keldabe-class battleship engines came online sending the ship towards the location of the shuttle. But that when the Goa'uld arrived. "Orser we are getting ships exiting hyperspace. We are getting a transmission from them. Patching it through." the crew-member informed. [table=bordered][row][cell][color=ffcc88][b]"I am Anubis."[/b][/color] He paused so the mortals could be appropriately awed. [color=ffcc88][b]"I claim [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/d/d3/ImperialShuttle-DB.png/revision/latest?cb=20150920051331]this vessel[/url]. Stand clear or be destroyed."[/b][/color][/cell][/row][/table] "Well then. Let us show aruetii what happen when they threaten mandalorians. Bring all guns to barrier on the closest ship. Scramble all fighters target their starfighters." The crew swiftly followed his orders. The turbolaser batteries and ion cannons swivel taking aim at the closest pyramid ships. As soon as the ship got into range it would being to fire all gun upon the ship. In the void the Adenn launched its complement of starvipers and Skipray towards the vessel. The starvipers engaging the death gliders while the skipray targeted the pyramid ship.