[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Yz7vNw2.png[/img] [sub][b]Interacting with: N/A ([@Arthanus])[/b][/sub][/center] [[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uZVzMdNCLA]♪ Battle Music[/url]] Covering her eyes for a moment as the flash ripped the snake man in front of her, she sneered slightly in response to its sheer will power. It was in half and yet it still continued to push onwards, making her wonder if it was something instinctual in the creature or that perhaps her music had a stranger impact than she realized - it was only the second time she used it after all. Regardless, she gracefully rolled to its injured side as it swung towards her and jammed her short sword against it's neck and let it bleed out as it gasped for air to breath - finally, it was down, though it seemed a bit more hardy or stubborn than the others. The chaos of the field had left a few others on the ground as well as her allies assisting. As Alm crashed into the new group of soldiers, whom seemed less experienced, she did a small twirl to ease the pain of those still fighting - though it was not even near the level of healing Pox or Garret would need. As Hafrbjǫrn charged with Alm, her gaze went to her father meeting in battle with the queen. If anyone needed extra assistance it was him and with a swift flick of her sword, an energetic tune whistled towards him, granting him extra speed to fight the bitch. If she went down, mayhaps the rest of the snake creatures would bow out and stop posing a threat. One could hope. With one final flick, she sent energies towards Sybille as well, to help complete that spell of hers.