[Right][h2][color=a187be]Koharu[/color][/h2] [i]Early morning / Land of Lighting outskirts[/i][/right] Koharu was a light sleeper so the noise caused by Natsuko moving around in their tent caused her to wake up. By no means did she enjoy waking up early but she was used to it now and wouldn't complain openly. She rubbed her eyes and nodded at Natsuko. There was no way Koharu was getting back to sleep so she might as well go with her teammate. The attack by the bandits the other day was still fresh in her mind. She crawled out if the tent behind Natsuko and found one of the guards on duty. Minoru-sensei was likely sleeping in the tent he shared with Kazuhiko, or was supposed to be sharing. Koharu couldn't fault the boy, she trained by herself a lot as well. There was something calming about it. Perhaps it was because she could go her own pace rather than being hurried along or slowed down by someone else. She grabbed Natsuko by the collar of her shirt as she protested. Oh no, she wasn't going to pull this stunt again. The first time she had tried it ended in them just trying to ignore each other in favor of training by themselves. [color=a187be]"If you leave I'll put ice down your shirt."[/color] Koharu warned. No one enjoyed ice in their shirt. She'd only done that once to a boy in their class before they graduated. He'd been wary around her since. It wasn't that he'd been hurt or that she had put a lot, just enough to make him a bit miserable. Koharu released the back of Natsuko's shirt, dropping her hand to her side. She'd never tested if her ice was strong or weak against any elements other than fire. Osamu had said it would get stronger with added chakra. At this point she didn't have much, she was still a genin after all. It hadn't even been a full year since they left the academy. [color=a187be]"Did you want to have two against one, or free for all?"[/color] While her words were directed at both of them, she looked at Kazuhiko. Part of her was a little irritated that Hachiro was worshipping the ground Kazuhiko walked on despite them both taking down the same number of men but she tried to let it go. Kids were impressed by flashy moves. Well, at least the lightning had been flashy. She pushed a hand through her hair, pushing away stray strands as she waited for an answer. She'd left her faithful sword back in their tent and she felt bare without it. Koharu wasn't the best at kenjutsu, she still had a ways to go, but she felt comfortable with a sword in her hands. Minoru never let her train with it though, which was understandable - someone could get hurt - but it didn't stop her from wanting to go get it. [Right][color=darkgray][h2]Minoru[/h2][/color] Early morning / Land of Lighting outskirts[/right] Minoru was a heavy sleeper, which contradicted his nature as a shinobi. You couldn't afford to be a heavy sleeper while on a mission. He'd given specific instructions to the guards to watch his pupils while he got a bit of sleep. He'd assured them that the kids would behave...Well two of them anyways and they could keep Natsuko under control. Kazuhiko's deadpan look usually did the trick. He trusted them to behave and stay in the camp. He was spawled out on his bedroll, half covered by a thin blanket and snoring loudly. [@Dusksong]