[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=#cc33ff][center]Guinevere Stark[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://s9.postimg.cc/l8imn390v/giphy.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr] Guin sniffled slightly, mentally relabeling Ginger as Mary, since Marygold was way too long a name to say. It was a bit ridiculous and reminded her of her own real name. She always wondered why her father had let Maddie name her, rather than naming her himself since he was the one that ended up raising her. Maddie hardly ever did anything for Guin, unless there was a camera around to catch it on film. It disgusted her that Maddie was her mother. She always wished that Pepper would one day explain that she was Guin's real mother. Guin slowly took off the bandages on her wrists, letting them bleed again. [color=#cc33ff]"Got it. Mary then. Um, well...I know that you do the entire superhero thing but uh - what do you do when you get scared?"[/color] Guin asked her quietly. [color=#cc33ff]"Something happened and I'm freaking out and I may or may not be having flashbacks to when the Brotherhood came to my school...meant to call you sooner and thank you for saving my life..."[/color] [color=8dc73f]"Yeah, locked up forever sounds a bit right...Guessing we might want to go pay Daredevil a visit and talk to him?"[/color] Banner suggested. If Daredevil had caught Kilgrave once before, Banner didn't see any reason why he couldn't do it again. It was either that or Tony would need to make everyone completely plastic suits, that way Kilgrave's pheromones wouldn't work during the fight. And there'd need to be some sort of plastic coffin made for Kilgrave, to keep him from escaping as he was brought back to the Raft.