[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=ed1c24]Update[/color][/i][/b][/h1][/center][hr][hr] No rolls came up for new characters this round, so hold tight - you are coming in, just not yet. [hider=Arnco Mills - Riley, Ash, Tiffany, Jack, Niesha - 5/28/18 Update] Niesha sits down and looks around, not sure what to do now but she is beyond tired and as soon as she leans her head back she is out cold and asleep. [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/mswhDn/AM.jpg[/img] [img]https://image.ibb.co/gaovYn/Amupclose.jpg[/img][/center] [/hider] [hider=Sharpsburg - Ray, Amelia 5/28/18 Update] Apparently Matt doesn't like the idea of going in weaponless. He quickly excuses himself, picks up his axe, and turns to walk away. Guy quirked a brow slightly but let the man leave. This isn't worth a fight and if it is a set up, they have an upperhand since they can barricade themselves away in the brick building. It would take a tank to get in and who the hell has a tank these days? Guy ushers everyone inside and keeps an eye out for now. Medic looked over at Ray and nods a bit. "Yeah, come on over," he said and points at the table. Sam is working on the radio and manages to get everything set up, taking the call end over to Guy who is still standing at the door. "Thanks," he said as he watched Matt walk down the road. He wants to keep an eye on the man as long as he can. "Testing one, two, three. This is Guy. Sharpsburg. Looking for Newnan. Guy, Ray, Amelia, Medic, +1 in Sharpsburg," he says into the radio. "Anyone out there?" he says again. Static comes back and then something else. [i]garblehellostatistaticbreakingupstaticstatichellogarblebreakingupVictorbreakingupstaticsouth[/i] "Holy shit, I think we got Froggy!" Guy said excitedly. What Guy didn't know was that everything he was saying was going to Ash crystal clear. Their radio was working fine even if one persons wasn't fully. "Froggy that you? Anyone else out there, over!" [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/i3Uyfy/Sharps.jpg[/img] [img]https://image.ibb.co/mUJtm7/Sharpsburgcloseup.jpg[/img][/center] [/hider] [hider=Attack on Eden - 5/28/18 Update] [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/bTQFSd/Eden1stfloor.jpg[/img] The guard that Manny shot at doesn't scare off. He takes aim and fires a shot. He misses Manny but hits the other Edenite in the shoulder. "God damn it Eric!" the man screams. "Shut up Lew! What you get for getting used as a meat shield!" Eric yells back. Apparently he doesn't give two shits if Lew dies. [img]https://image.ibb.co/mNn6YJ/Eden2ndfloor.jpg[/img][/center] [/hider] [hr][hr][center][h1][i][b][color=Silver]Eden[/color][/b][/i][/h1][img]https://image.ibb.co/eBiCJS/toodles.gif[/img][hr][hr][b][color=white]Location:[/color][/b] Eden: [color=0072bc]West hallway around south and now going north[/color], [color=598527]Greed[/color], [color=f26522]Greed[/color] [b][color=white]Skills:[/color][/b] [color=0072bc]Survival, Pistol, Close Combat Fighting[/color], [color=598527]Knife, Hand To Hand Combat, Rifle[/color], [color=f26522]Shotgun, Brawling, Hunting[/color][/center][hr] Lola nodded over towards Beatrice. They probably were. Seemed that the cowboy thought so as well but he was tired of checking each and every corner. As he looked at the windows he spotted several of the Edenites in the hallway in front of the stairs. Motioning towards the window he got Lola's attention and she grinned as she picked up a chair. [center][i][color=598527]"Let the bodies hit the floor Let the bodies hit the floor Let the bodies hit the floor Let the bodies hit the ..... FFFFFFFFFFFFFLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!"[/color][/i][/center] The chair went flying and crashed through the windows, shattering them and sending glass shards an debris towards the three standing in at the base of the stair case. Gavin took the opportunity to rush through the hole left n the wake of the Kiwi doing her personal impression of a wrecking ball. Lola was quick to follow just kept singing as she rushed after Gavin. [center][i][color=598527]"One - nothing wrong with me Two - nothing wrong with me Three - nothing wrong with me Four - nothing wrong with me One - something's got to give Two - something's got to give Three - something's got to give now"[/color][/i][/center] Gavin let off two quick shots from the shotgun he had taken from an Edenite earlier. Two of the three went down quickly, their blood, guts, and brain matter splattering all over the stairs and the wall. Lola rushed the remaining on and drove her knife into his ear, twisting it hard before kicking him in the gut and sending his lifeless body on top of the others. [color=f26522]"CLEAR!"[/color] Gavin yelled as pumped the shot gun and readied it for the next round. Lola kept singing and was starting to giggle as she did. [center][i][color=598527]"Skin against skin blood and bone You're all by yourself but you're not alone You wanted in now you're here Driven by hate consumed by fear Let the bodies hit the floor Let the bodies hit the floor Let the bodies hit the floor Let the bodies hit the floor One - nothing wrong with me Two - nothing wrong with me Three - nothing wrong with me Four - nothing wrong with me One - something's got to give Two - something's got to give Three - something's got to give now Let the bodies hit the floor Let the bodies hit the floor Let the bodies hit the floor Let the bodies hit the floor Let the bodies hit the floor Let the bodies hit the floor Hey! Go Hey! Go Hey! Go"[/color][/i][/center] Thana wasn't as vocal as she stepped down the hallway and unceremoniously popped off two rounds and took out two more Edenites. Checking rooms as she went, she made sure those room were empty before catching Thalia and Alexander at the other end of the hallway. [color=0072bc]"Clear,"[/color] she said before dropping her clip and changing it out. Reaching behind her she pulled out few more clips that were good for 9mm. Her brow raising as she held them out to Thalia and Alexander in case they needed them. She had picked them up off the ones she had killed in the hallway earlier. This place was hell but at least they were still standing and from the sound of it Gavin and Lola were still kicking. She hadn't heard Beatrices voice but that didn't mean the woman was dead. Just meant she hadn't been heard as of yet by Thana. If Lola and Gavin were still kicking she figured Beatrice was as well. Gavin was the type to play meat shield if he needed to, so she doubted anyone in the other half of their split group was down and out for the count. At least for now. Whether they all would make it out alive was still yet to be seen.