[hider=Padoof, Character app] [b]Name:[/b] Padoof [b]Race:[/b] Donkey, or more accurately, [i]asinus loqui[/i], or literally donkey speaking. [b]Appearance:[/b] Padoof stands at a moderate thirteen hands tall, right at the withers, with his head and ridiculously long ears reaching sixteen hands at their zenith. He is covered, from his soft grey nose, to his pitch black hooves in rough grey fur, with a single dark brown stripe running along his spine. Padoof’s mane and scruffy tail are of a similar dark brown, and are ragged and unkempt. The only difference between himself and the typical donkey, one might notice by a mere glance, are his highly intelligent eyes. Their black, shining pupils betraying his concealed intellect. [center] [hider=Image] [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Z1r9panjeMo/Todl0baLQsI/AAAAAAAABng/FsfHaz96k00/s1600/Blue+Bonnets+and+Burro.JPG[/img] [/hider] [/center] [b]Characteristics:[/b] Although the typical donkeyish traits leak through into his attitude and personality, most evidently his stubbornness and laziness, Padoof proves to be is a curious, and gentlehearted beast of burden. On occasion, and when aroused by cause or whip he can shed his less favorable traits and become the toughest and most hardworking animal around, surefooted and loyal. He’s a simple soul at heart and despises being alone without a herd or master to belong too. That being said he is easily pleased, and it doesn’t take much to make him content and happy. He relishes in the simple things in life, whether that be a handful of sweet oats or a good brushing by a stable boy. As a young healthy male donkey he is strong and able to carry heavy loads over treacherous terrain, and he can deliver a powerful kick from his hind hooves as well. Alternatively he can use his power of speech to bewilder those who do not expect such things from a beast. He loves puzzles to solve, even if he’s not very good at them, and learning new words to say is his favorite pastime. [b]Background:[/b] Sired in the barn of an aged farmer and destined to a life at the plough and cart Padoof’s story was a unique case in terms of donkeys to say the least. The farmer who owned him didn’t know of his lucky strike, thinking only that he happened to come into the possession of the most intelligent donkey in the world. Padoof learned fast even for an ass, soon finding himself hitched to a plough and taken out into the fields to work. Beset constantly by the farmer’s curses and whip, those foul expletives were the first words Padoof learned. One day, while tilling the cabbage patches Padoof proudly unleashed a plethora of obscenities fit to cause a drunken sailor to blush. The ancient farmer, caught unawares by this miracle perished straight away from a heart attack. Grief stricken by this dreadful occurrence, and helpless to give aid Padoof was forced to sit and wait, tethered to the plough. Presently a gypsy carrying a heavy load passed by, and upon seeing Padoof and the deceased old farmer set to work creating a suitable grave. Once that was done he loaded his pack upon Padoof’s back and continued along on his journey. Poor Padoof was very confused, but he went along peacefully, not daring to speak again lest this new master toppled over like the first. For another year Padoof was bought and sold again and again, from owner to owner until at last he’d learned how to speak fairly well, only to himself of course, and came into the care of a young stable slave. This boy, mistreated by his owners found comfort tending to the animals, especially Padoof who always seemed to understand. Padoof desperately wished to talk to him, and then one night, he did. Their conversation started out much the way you might expect, with a cry of shock leaving the boy’s mouth and a whinny of fear escaping Padoof’s. In time however they became more confident, and with patience, began understanding each other. The boy teaching, and Padoof learning all the ways of sentences, and verbs, and syllables. At first their talks were of minor things, small talk as the boy described it, but then it turned to serious, secretive whispers of rebellion, and escape. The boy hated the place, and while it seemed quite alright to Padoof he loathed seeing his friend in discomfort, and vowed to help in their flight in any way he could. Finally, one evening when the moon was all but gone from the sky they made good their schemes, stealing away likes thieves in the night. Their escape was foiled however, by the watchful overseer who noticed a slave was missing from his cot. Riding out he gave chase to the fleeing duo and proved that even a donkey with fear biting at his heels could not outrun a horse. By the morning’s hour the overseer caught them, and struck the boy from his saddle with a club. Spooked and kicked by the horse Padoof fled, deserting the boy to his fate and hating himself all the while. When at last he dared look back Padoof discovered he had gotten himself hopelessly lost. Steeling himself up Padoof set off into the wilds, determined to find his lost boy, somehow. His wanderings brought him unwillingly to Yggdrasil, harnessed by a horse merchant who’d captured him days before. The man dragged the ass along with the rest of his stock, hopping to garner a few extra pennies form the stubborn beast. [/hider] [hider=Race App] [b]Names:[/b] Donkeys, asses, jackass, jenny, cuddy, and burro. [i]asinus loqui.[/i] [b]Appearance:[/b] All donkeys, even the talking kind, are four legged furred mammals, with closed hooves, manes and tails. They resemble horses, though they are typically smaller and more surefooted then their equine cousins. They come in a multitude of colorings, from brown, to grey, and blonde. And they are typically used as draft animals, though well trained ones can be saddled and ridden. The speaking donkeys have unique features that are not perceivable to the naked eye. For instance more complex brains and vocal chords. [b]Characteristics:[/b] Donkeys are very well known for their stubbornness, and agitating laziness to those who wish to see a hard day’s work done. These universal traits cross over into their rarer talking kin. Due to their obscure nature and limited exposure, and typical bondage to a human masters, speaking donkeys have no culture of their own, and usually are subservient to whomever they happen to be owned by. They aren’t usually particularly intelligent and never really get many opportunities to learn. Often times they are killed for superstitious reasons the moment they dare utter a word, so most go throughout their entire lives without speaking at all. [b]Background:[/b] Speaking donkeys came about in a most unusual fashion several thousand years ago. A greedy king, whose title has long been forgotten once imposed his will upon a decrepit old village, demanding the people be killed and their homes razed. His violent act brought to bear the wrath of a powerful witch who lived there. She cursed the evil king and all his kin. Her curse cast upon the king’s family turned each and every one of them into an ass, and act that was supposed to end in their destruction. Her spell was incomplete however, and many of the king’s family could still speak, and think for themselves. Alas they were captured, and interbred with the donkey herds from across the kingdom, prized for their intelligence and amusing history, if not so much for their talking back. Their speech proved to be something of a recessive trait however, which soon was nearly bred out of existence. Their kind became rare indeed and was nearly all but forgotten. [/hider]