[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=#cc33ff][center]Guinevere Stark[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://s9.postimg.cc/l8imn390v/giphy.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr] While Tony and Banner were off attempting to find the devil of Hell's Kitchen, Guin was sitting on the bathroom floor, leaning against the wall as she cried softly. Lance would be able to hear her sobbing lightly. Calling Ginger hadn't helped like she thought it would - there was still a lot about that day with the Brotherhood that she had left to process. She hadn't talked to a therapist about the parts that bothered her the most and she doubted she ever would, as they'd likely brand her as crazy. She had hoped that Ginger might understand, but from what Ginger had said, she didn't. It all reminded her of DJ in [i]the Last Jedi.[/i] [quote][i]Good guys, bad guys, made-up words. Let's see who formerly owned this gorgeous hunk-uh. Ah, this guy was an arms dealer. Made his bank selling weapons to the bad guys. Oh… And the good.[/i][/quote] The kids fighting for the Brotherhood - Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch...She wasn't sure, even now over a year later, if she could really call them bad guys. It used to bother her quite a lot, as the more she thought about it, the more she couldn't just write them off as evil and move on with her life. They weren't that different from Ginger, were they? Just kids following an ideology that someone else told them was the right way. Her Aunt Nat had been arguably the world's best assassin, getting red in her ledger that could never be wiped out...but Guin knew that Aunt Nat was a good person, just a victim of circumstance. [i]That[/i] was what she would never tell the therapists - that she thought it was possible that her captor might have been a good person. Of course, that wasn't what bothered her right then and there. As much as she wanted to live an extraordinary life, to do amazing things just like her dad (she'd never tell him this, but he had always been her hero even before he put on the suit)...she was scared. Kilgrave had scooped Guin and Lance out of their minds, only to put something else back inside. Hammer wanted them to help him build Ultron - which Guin doubted would end in anything but disaster. And of course, she just had to fly an Iron Man suit into a collapsing building with the Hulk in order to save her best friend. [color=#cc33ff]"Go away, Lance,"[/color] Guin mumbled, drying her eyes on her arm.