[hr][center][color=slategray][b][h1]Harry Kingsfield[/h1] [IMG]http://www.oystermag.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/article-image-650x580/images/dale-cooper-i-only-have-time.png[/IMG] Location:[/b][/color] Abandoned House[/center][hr][hr] Feeling the rain fall on him even inside the house brought one thing to mind immediately: regret. He knew he should have taken an umbrella. However, he was already inside the house. It was too late to just go back and return. It wasn't actually, but he didn't feel like going there and back, despite it only being maybe 100 feet away at most. For the time being, he'd do his best to avoid the spots that were most prone to rainfall or looked too rotten. That was actually a more difficult task than it would seem, given how bad a state the house seemed to be in. There were either pieces of roof scattered about, or the floorboards looked rather compromised in terms of structural strength. He didn't want to see if this house had a basement because he stepped on the wrong place. But despite the setbacks facing him, Harry still managed to make his way across the room to the front of the foyer, where he had spotted some of the few remaining pieces of furniture. The PI had a long, hard look at the photo. It was an odd feeling. Just seeing the man's face again, even in the form of a painting was enough for his spine to grind together. But on the other hand, whatever that [i]thing[/i] was now carried with it some context. This was a lead that he could pursue. It had a name, and that made it a real thing he could deal with. Or at least attempt to. This was a good decision, coming here. Harry set the image down and pulled out his notebook to jot down some ideas. Namely, setting aside a page or two of blank space for him to deduce what exactly that man in a suit was. Given this new piece of evidence on the first line under the header he simply jotted down "Ghost?" Given that he'd likely be talking to others about this, he'd need some sort of reference other than just a name, item and location, so he pulled out his insanely durable but underutilized phone. With a bit of fiddling, he was able to snap a few pictures of the portrait, only one or two of which came out looking good. Marveling at the convenience of modern technology, Kingsfield moved on from the foyer to investigate deeper into the abandoned house.