[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/MPjm7vT.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/SA8dVCV.png[/img] [color=E7DDF6]✡ The Church of Heiwa ✡ (Jonin - Squad 2)[/color] [hr][color=E7DDF6]✡ Time: The Present Day ✡ Location: New Continent - Strange Dome Biome ✡ Interaction: [@Reflection]Eita [@Syn]Shizuka [@Hillan]Tapo[/color] [/center] Erika hadn't been able to shake that strange chakra presence once she had felt it full force. It permeated her spirit, more than she would have liked. That blood-thirsty energy radiating within her was something of a slight distraction to be quite honest. She mumbled a quick prayer to herself before she stood up and turned to her compatriots, dusting off her gown and heaving the tome on her back in a more comfortable position. She almost wanted to pull it out and go into a full sermon, but she digressed the idea and continued on. No clear leader had been established in their group as of yet, but after a brief deliberation amongst themselves, the teams divided off into different expanses of the building. She and Shizuka paired off and ventured out first, eventually making their way into what appeared to be an uninhabited laboratory. She turned to him briefly when he mentioned not liking the dark. Such like a child, she thought to herself, giving him a reassuring smile before they continued on. Her eyes maneuvered throughout the room of white, taking in the clean, but strangely ominous atmosphere. Erika branched off slightly from Shizuka as she investigated the room on her own volition, peering at charts and graphs in a language that she had little comprehension of. They were nothing like the ancient language riddled throughout The Book of Heiwa, or though it seemed. [color=E7DDF6][b]"These symbols..."[/b][/color] she spoke aloud, using her psychokinetic technique to levitate an empty vial that was out of reach and bring it down gently into her grasp. She peered at its strange shape and noticed more of the unfamiliar inscriptions etched on the transparent glass. [color=E7DDF6][b]"Such unfamiliarity has presented itself. I pray The Lord Heiwa brings clarity to this esoteric language".[/b][/color] She sat the vial down as another sting to her psyche resonated through her mind, making her way over to the prepubescent shinobi when he promptly called her over. She rubbed her temples gently in an attempt to ease the pain as she took notice of the severed hazard tape that lay on the floor, her gaze eventually moving from it to Shizuka as she followed him through the doors. [color=E7DDF6][b]"I had thought upon the matter of correlation between these symbols and my faith. But I have read this tome more times than there are stars in the sky. Never have I stumbled upon these symbols before in my readings."[/b][/color] She was vexed. Stumped. The desert flower continued to analyze the seals of the chamber as she mindlessly fiddled with her hair, trying to piece together any of the markings that shared even a slight similarity to her own. [color=E7DDF6][b]"Be wary Shizuka. We have yet to uncover their properties, so store them with care."[/b][/color] she directed to him, catching the instructions in the palm of her hand as he guided it over to her via his wind currents. She gazed over the instructions briefly, though to her amazement, a few symbols were surprisingly legible. But until she was certain of the clarity that had been bestowed upon her, she pocketed the instructions safely with her gown and remained silent as she meandered over to Shizuka's side. [b][color=E7DDF6]"I must agree"[/color][/b], she chimed, leaning closer to the pictures to get a better look, [b][color=E7DDF6]"These creatures are but anomalous abnormalities. And their absence from these chambers only brings further concern."[/color][/b] She began untying her hair as she glanced around the room once more, weaving her hair into a neater bun once she was satisfied there was nothing else of particular interest that they had not yet uncovered within the room. The demolished walls and violent markings between the latter chambers were alarming, but she did not speak of it. Shizuka had most likely noticed the destruction before she had. She let out a delicate sigh, [b][color=E7DDF6]"For now, let us rendezvous with our comrades to relinquish our discoveries to them. I imagine they have uncovered mysteries of their own."[/color][/b] With the instructions still tightly snugged within her gown, she walked up to Shizuka and placed her soft fingertips gently on center of his forehead; the fingertips of her other hand were placed on her right temple. [color=E7DDF6][b]"Hold still. I do not know of your familiarity with the Yamanaka clan techniques, but this may tingle."[/b][/color] Closing her eyes and concentrating her mental chakra, she began channeling her Mind Transmission Technique, allowing she and her comrades to communicate with one another telepathically for as long as she had the technique active. It would function much like walkie talkies, though their voices would reverberate throughout each other's minds like a soft echo. [u](Spoken to her teammates telepathically)[/u] [quote][i][color=E7DDF6]~ Eita. Tapo. This is Erika. Please do not be alarmed, but this is my voice you are hearing. Have you uncovered anything of concern? Shizuka and I have made a number of our own discoveries, but it seems there is much we have yet to understand. Are you both safe and in a proper locality to rendezvous? ~[/color][/i][/quote]