[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=#cc33ff][center]Guinevere Stark[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://s9.postimg.cc/l8imn390v/giphy.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr] Guin sighed for a moment, before unlocking the door and pushing it open. Her eyes were a bit red and puffy from crying, and her wrists were bleeding. The bandages Tony had put on them were ceremoniously thrown on the floor a few feet away. Her dress from the evening's events looked, in a word, [i]horrible.[/i] It had bits of blood and grime on it, as well as a bit of vomit from right after they had driven Kilgrave out of Lance and her's heads. Her hair looked terrible as well, as if she had been doing an experiment on static cling with it. [color=#cc33ff]"I don't need your help,"[/color] she mumbled, scratching at her wrists again. [color=#cc33ff]"And of course you should have told me about that creepy little fucko trying to seduce you to the dark side - and not even the [i]fun[/i] dark side,"[/color] Guin added. She stepped out of the bathroom, not really wanting to have this conversation with Lance inside of a restroom, before she headed to the lounge. Her eyes flickered over towards the bar and she headed on over, looking for the Captain Morgan's spiced rum bottle. Her dad and Banner had already headed out to try and find Daredevil.