Orchid said nothing as Leosin and Parum chatted. He wasn't sure what they were talking about so he was just going to make sure that Leosin looked disguised as he strung up the acolyte to the post. He was good at tying knots so even if the rope was cut a bit, he'll make sure this guy doesn't get out so easily if he wakes up. [color=a2d39c]"Too much talky. We go."[/color] Getting Leosin out of the camp might be a bit difficult though. Orchid knew at the very least, they would have sentries posted around the edge of camp to watch for any suspicious activity. Such as a large group of people just wandering off into the forest. The current disguise might be good enough to get Leosin out from the post, but if anyone looked too closely they might recognize him. Orchid wondered if they'd notice if Leosin had mud on his face or something. [color=a2d39c]"Need better disguise. Make elf look different? Human? Hairy?"[/color] Orchid looked around to see if Brannor had managed to free the slaves or not. Surely once they start running that would cause a good enough distraction for them to flee into the night.