[center] [h3]Stay in the car and drive through[/h3] You decide to not take any chances outside your vehicle and hit the gas as hard as you can. Whatever these things are, you doubt they are normal people and won't feel too guilty about knocking a few over to get to your destination and find your cousin. Your car's usually impotent engine roared with determination to match yours and your got off to a speedy start. Though you could hear the man with the shotgun screaming [i]"NOOOO! DONT DO IT"[/i] behind you. Your car easily plowed through the first 4 or so, with sickening snapping and crunching sounds as their tattered bodies bounced off the hood. However as you were about to make your first turn, you realized that the few in front of you were basically the 'tip of the iceberg' and you found yourself driving into a crowd of at least 3 dozen, which caused your car to come to a halt after an initial heavy collision. The impact caused you to bang your head against the Ssteering wheel as you were not wearing your seatbelt. You would be unconscious for most of the time as the corpse people slowly surrounded your car and began to break their way in. Tragically you will only wake up in time to experience being slowly devoured by the horde. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b9/e3/53/b9e3533a9db3f8ae48795832b4d0bc32.jpg[/img] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fantendo/images/c/cd/FantendoGameOver.png/revision/latest?cb=20161130195847[/img] [/center]