"Ah, of course. Well, speaking of him. I believe he got exactly what he deserved with his sentencing. He had did a crime out of pure idioticy, and he got the consequences for it. If they had not abolished the death penalty a few years ago, I'd bet you for a fact that he would've gotten the full end of that. It is my honest belief that no matter how tricky a criminal is, justice will and always will prevail in the end. No matter who it is, how it was done, or why it happened. Nobody is truly above the law, and that is my belief. I will prove it to the fullest of effect too, and clean up this distract entirely. No more corruption, no more lies, it will be like the old days. when you could sit at a park, and enjoy your life without the worries of getting mugged or shot at every possible corner. Of course, you likely don't have those problems here... But, I hope you do get my overall meaning by what I am stating there." He'd continue to walk along, still talking to the man. "So... Whos this other person your waiting for? a friend?"